
The God of Rome Eaten By A Rat by Charles Chiniquy
The God of Rome Eaten By A Rat by Charles Chiniquy

Includes: Transubstantiation is the most Degrading form of Idolatry, Why we must put our trust in Jesus and not Mary, A Roman Bishop’s Testimony, and Why I will Never go back to the Church of Rome.

11 Aug 2022

Luther's Small Catechism Explained by Johann Conrad Dietrich
Luther's Small Catechism Explained by Johann Conrad Dietrich

[Fully Updated v.6.1] “In this little book the reader will find, first of all, the Small Catechism of Dr Martin Luther without alteration. This is followed by the shorter explanation of this Catechism, in questions and answers, by Dr. Conrad Dietrich, formerly Pastor, Superintendent, and Director of the Gymnasium in Ulm, Wuertemberg, born Jan. 9, 1575, in Gemuende, Hesse Cassel, died at Ulm, March 22, 1639.

19 Jul 2022

Martin Luther's Church Postil - The Complete Lenker Edition in One Volume
Martin Luther's Church Postil - The Complete Lenker Edition in One Volume

Luther considered his Church Postil “The Best of all His Books”. This is the Biblical, expository, evangelical, Christ-centered preaching for which Luther should be remembered. Read these sermons and be blessed.

14 Jul 2022

The Augsburg Confession: An Introduction and Exposition by Matthias Loy
The Augsburg Confession: An Introduction and Exposition by Matthias Loy

“Sincere believers of the truth revealed in Christ for man’s salvation have no reason to be ashamed of Luther, whom God sent to bring again to His people the precious truth in Jesus… The whole purpose of the book is practical. It steadily pursues the aim of helping our Lutheran people to a better appreciation of their Church and its precious heritage, and to a firmer stand and a more zealous labor to maintain them and make others partake of the blessings of the Reformation…” — Matthias Loy.

7 Jul 2022

New Gospel Sermons by Richard C. H. Lenski
New Gospel Sermons by Richard C. H. Lenski

“Christ our Savior and all his apostles preached justification by faith, even as did the prophets of the Old Testament. Justification is the central doctrine of all the Scriptures, the heart and soul of the entire Christian religion. All believers are justified, all the saints in heaven now have been made what they are by justification, and at the last day the righteous at Christ’s right hand will be there because they have continued in justification to the end.” — R.C.H. Lenski

22 Jun 2022

Eisenach Old Testament Selections by Richard C. H. Lenski
Eisenach Old Testament Selections by Richard C. H. Lenski

“The need of a more adequate exegetical-homiletical treatment of the ancient gospel and epistle selections has long been felt. The manager of the Lutheran Book Concern has commissioned the writer of these lines to meet this need.” — R.C.H. Lenski

15 Jun 2022

The King James Version: Apostolic Texts, Precise Translation versus Fraudulent Texts and Heretical Translations by Gregory Jackson
The King James Version: Apostolic Texts, Precise Translation versus Fraudulent Texts and Heretical Translations by Gregory Jackson

“Since Tischendorf lied so many times about Codex Sinaiticus, what does that suggest about his earlier work with Codex Ephraim Rescriptus - and his later work embracing Codex Vaticanus?” “How does anyone explain Sinaiticus having white, supple pages after resting unknown for 15 centuries?” — From Questions to be asked while reading this book.

31 May 2022

Martin Luther's House Postil Complete in One Volume translated by Matthias Loy
Martin Luther's House Postil Complete in One Volume translated by Matthias Loy

Martin Luther’s House Postils are Christ-centered devotional sermons which Luther delivered to his family and students. This newly typeset edition contains the complete collection, originally published by Matthias Loy in three volumes.

25 May 2022

A Short Exposition of Dr. Martin Luther's Small Catechism: 1905 Schwan Edition by Heinrich Schwan
A Short Exposition of Dr. Martin Luther's Small Catechism: 1905 Schwan Edition by Heinrich Schwan

This short and widely used catechism is evidence that Missouri Synod Lutherans not long ago clearly taught and believed in justification by faith. Who receives this forgiveness? Although it has been procured for all men, and is offered by the Gospel to all that hear it, yet only those who believe the Gospel and thus accept the forgiveness of sins actually become partakers of such forgiveness. What, then, do we, together with our Church, confess regarding the forgiveness of sins, or justification? That we receive forgiveness of sins and are justified before God, not by our works, but by grace, for Christ’s sake, through faith. Why must we ever firmly maintain this Article especially? Because it is the chief article of Christian doctrine, by which the Christian Church distinguishes itself from all false religions, and which gives all the glory to God alone, and affords enduring comfort to poor sinners. “Heinrich Christian Schwan was the Missouri Synod president for 20 years (1878-1899), but that lengthy service and his pastoral and missionary activities have been effaced from the LCMS histories. Schwan’s presidency was sandwiched between the presidencies of CFW Walther and Walther’s hand-picked successor in teaching, Franz Pieper. Walther and Pieper were advocates of Objective Justification.”

18 May 2022

The Six Days Of Creation, The Fall, And The Deluge by J B Remensnyder
The Six Days Of Creation, The Fall, And The Deluge by J B Remensnyder

“This weightiest chapter ever penned by Inspiration yields up its lessons best when literally understood, and when explained by the laws of common sense. “The secret of recent assaults upon the Bible is the restiveness of the modern spirit… so eager is the desire for anything new, that even the destruction of all that is precious and venerable is hailed on account of the morbid excitement thereby aroused. …these extremists are so irrational in their hate of the old that they would rather that the edifice of Revelation should be crumbled to the earth, and that the immortal hopes of mankind should be reduced to wreck, than that they should be immutably fixed upon the pillar and ground of the past.” — J. B. Remensnyder

11 May 2022