
Sermons on the Eisenach Gospels by J Sheatsley
Sermons on the Eisenach Gospels by J Sheatsley

“One cannot continue long in the kingdom of God without in some way openly confessing the fact… There is a reason why a disciple of Jesus must soon confess Him… One of the sure evidences of your own pardon is a strong desire to tell others how they also may get the pardon.” -from Encouragement for Confessing Christ

25 Sep 2024

Vindication of Luther Against His Recent English Assailants by Julian Charles Hare
Vindication of Luther Against His Recent English Assailants by Julian Charles Hare

“When a man has taken a leading part in the conflicts of his age, it will often happen that… the feelings with which he was regarded during his life, will cluster around him after his death… Now perhaps there is no one in the whole history of the world, against whom such a host of implacable prejudices and antipathies have been permanently arrayed, as against Luther. For the contest in which he engaged is the most momentous ever waged by a single man… its issue is still pending.” - Charles Hare

19 Sep 2024

History of the Old Covenant by J H Kurtz
History of the Old Covenant by J H Kurtz

“(This is) one of the best contributions towards the explanation of the Old Testament with which Germany has enriched our common theological literature. Comprehensive and trustworthy in its information, exhaustive in point of research and learning, fresh and vigorous in thought and style, throughout marked by sobriety and good sense; above all, thoroughly evangelical in its tone.” -Alfred Edersheim, from the Preface

9 Sep 2024

Why are you a Lutheran? by Benjamin Kurtz
Why are you a Lutheran? by Benjamin Kurtz

“Those who know nothing of (Lutheranism) can here learn everything that is desirable to know, and those who know us well, will be pleased to find the whole matter so conveniently arranged. - from the Introduction”

22 Aug 2024

An Exposition of the Gospels of the Church Year on the Basis of Nebe By Edmund Jacob Wolf
An Exposition of the Gospels of the Church Year on the Basis of Nebe By Edmund Jacob Wolf

“…this complete and orderly supply of doctrinal material will be a safeguard to the pulpit and an enrichment of its ministrations to the faith and life of the pew. I send forth this volume with the prayer that the Holy Ghost may bless it to the edification of the Church. - From the Preface”

16 Jul 2024

The Two Babylons. Papal Worship Proven to be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife by Alexander Hislop
The Two Babylons. Papal Worship Proven to be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife by Alexander Hislop

“It has always been easy to show that the Church which has its seat and headquarters on the seven hills of Rome might most appropriately be called ‘Babylon’, inasmuch as it is the chief seat of idolatry under the New Testament, as the ancient Babylon was the chief seat of idolatry under the old.” - From the Introduction.

10 Jul 2024

The Death Penalty for Heresy from 1184 to 1921 AD by George Coulton
The Death Penalty for Heresy from 1184 to 1921 AD by George Coulton

“Between schism and heresy, as Aquinas himself argues, the difference is often merely a difference of words; and he maintains that the schismatic, like the heretic, may be punished not only with excommunication but also the secular arm (death).” -from the Introduction

28 May 2024

Our Priceless Heritage: Christian Doctrine in Contrast with Romanism by Henry Woods
Our Priceless Heritage: Christian Doctrine in Contrast with Romanism by Henry Woods

“There are many urgent reasons why the great doctrines of the Christian faith, as set forth in Holy Scripture and reaffirmed at the Reformation, in contrast to the errors of Romanism, should be proclaimed, and their truthfulness and reasonableness be made plain.

20 May 2024

A Plain Commentary on the Psalms by William Fraser
A Plain Commentary on the Psalms by William Fraser

...a plain and simple, and yet spiritual commentary on the Book of Psalms.

13 May 2024

Luther's Galatians Commentary in Modern English (Graebner trans.)
Luther's Galatians Commentary in Modern English (Graebner trans.)

“The preparation of this edition of Luther’s Commentary on Galatians was first suggested to me by Mr. P. J. Zondervan, of the firm of publishers, in March, 1937… ‘Luther is still the greatest name in Protestantism. We want you to help us publish some leading work of Luther’s for the general American market. Will you do it?’

23 Apr 2024