Theodore Graebner was a Missouri Synod professor at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, and defender of the Six Day Creation account of Genesis. Though he wrote Evolution many years ago, the points he makes are still valid. This small book can be very helpful to Christians who wish to “detox” from the religion of Scientism.
5 Aug 2019
“Modern religious liberalism has really only one dogma and consequently knows just one heresy… From this viewpoint a person is heretical to the extent that he may believe that there is absolute religious truth. – John Horsch
18 Jul 2019
“What are ‘fundamental doctrines,’ or ‘fundamental Articles of Faith’?… Every intelligent Christian feels competent to state the general basis of his belief, or the doctrinal foundation of his Christian character and life… When he, however, proceeds to specify in detail the doctrines which essentially constitute that ‘foundation,’ he will no longer be surprised by the embarrassment that even distinguished divines, on attempting to furnish an answer, have candidly confessed.” – Charles F. Schaeffer.
8 Jul 2019
“There is but one objection at the bottom of all the different arguments which have been set up against the historical truth of the gospel narratives; and that is, the denial of miracles — the denial of another world.
12 Jun 2019
“What is this book? Its Hebrew name is הברית ההדשה (Heb’rith Hechedasha) or the New Covenant. It is a collection of twenty-seven writings, biographic, historic, prophetic, and a number of personal letters. Its authors, with but one exception, were Jews; the Hero around whom the whole book centers, was a ‘Jew of Jews.’ Yet, notwithstanding this racial background, it has been regarded of such value as to warrant its translation into some 900 different languages and dialects, a thing that cannot be said of any other book.
6 Jun 2019
Justified and saved by grace alone, for Christ’s sake, through faith — that is the kernel of the whole Gospel. This is the fundamental article of the Christian faith and upholds the entire system of Christian doctrine as well as the church itself.
24 May 2019
“The idea of personal liberty – freedom of conscience – has no place in Moslem law, whether religious or civil. . . The law of apostasy is known to all Moslems from their youth up, if not in its detail of legal penalties, yet in its power of producing an attitude bitterly hostile toward converts to Christianity. What else could such a law produce except a fanatic attitude toward all who are not Moslems? The more Muslim a country or a community, the more does it despise the Christian.
17 May 2019
The First Free Diet [formal discussion] of the Lutheran Church was held at St. Matthew’s Church in Philadelphia on December 27-28, 1877. It had representatives from four of the largest Synods at the time. The speakers included some of the great defenders of orthodox Lutheranism in America: Emanuel Greenwald, Charles Krauth, Henry Eyster Jacobs and others. The remarks made by participants are of particular interest.
13 Nov 2018
“There is nothing more difficult, these times, than to keep the Church out of politics. And this difficulty is intensified where a Christian principle is at stake. “The Church, in some of its branches, has been knocking at the door of State and clamoring for the name of God in the Constitution. This is not the Church’s work: it is the province of the Church to knock at men’s hearts and get the name of God written there – written there by the blood of the New Covenant; and the Constitution will take care of the Church’s interests. Imagine Christ calling upon Caesar to change his coin and put God’s name on it. Imagine Him calling upon Caesar to tear down the heathen temples and set up an altar to the God who dwells in the circle of the skies. He did not touch a single heathen rite; He did not interfere with a single heathen sacrifice; He planted principles. And with what result? The whole host of Roman deities have gone down to the dust, and Jesus Christ reigns supreme.
20 Oct 2018
“The Bible to the early church was not a book merely; it was a grand zoön, a living creature, a thing instinct in every part with a mysterious, manifold and superabundant life. And in every part of it they expected to find the evidences of that life.
16 Aug 2018