
Apologetics by Conrad Emil Lindberg
Apologetics by Conrad Emil Lindberg

“Without the Holy Scriptures nothing certain would be known concerning the future destiny of man and the world. No book gives us such assurance as the Bible does. In the light of the Bible the riddle of the universe is solved. Only the Bible can console the human heart and show the way to salvation.

28 Jan 2021

The First Page Of The Bible by Frederic Bettex

“The first book of Moses, called Genesis, tells us whence we come; the last book of the Bible, the Revelation of St. John, shows us whither we go. It is true, men who have considered themselves wise above that which is written, have tried in every way to gainsay this divine answer; and a false reasoning at the present day proclaims from the housetops that science has done away with the former belief concerning the origin of man, and that we are not created by God, but descended from the monkey. But these so-called ‘scientific conclusions’ are nothing but misty visions and unproved conjectures of men who rely on their own thoughts and of whom the saying is true: “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” — From Chapter 1.

10 Dec 2020

The Last Prophecy - Horae Apocalypticae by Edward Bishop Elliott
The Last Prophecy - Horae Apocalypticae by Edward Bishop Elliott

Edward Bishop Elliott (1793-1875) “graduated from Cambridge in 1816 and he served in various positions as a minister for the Church of England. He ultimately settled at St. Marks Church in Brighton. He was of the Evangelical school… A first rate scholar, he was deeply interested in bible prophecy and devoted his lifetime to its study. His Horae Apocalypticae is the greatest historicist exposition of the Apocalypse ever written. Begun in 1837, it ran for five editions between 1844 and 1862.”

3 Dec 2020

A Brief History of the Lutheran Church in America by Juergen Neve
A Brief History of the Lutheran Church in America by Juergen Neve

“The ‘Brief History of the Lutheran Church in America,’ …has been kindly admitted as a textbook in almost all theological seminaries of the Lutheran Church in this country… As in the previous edition, so in this one, it has been our aim to furnish a textbook that would serve as a guide for instruction in theological seminaries. Students and teachers alike prefer a book that is easily read. Even a seeming confusion of facts tries their patience. For this reason our ‘Brief History’ views the material from the viewpoint of extension and organization rather than from that of confessional development. The numerous divisions and the use of heavy type even in the body of the text have been made in the interest of perspicuity, and to aid the teacher and student alike readily to catch the leading thoughts. Qui bene distinguit, bene docet. [ He who distinguishes well, teaches well.]

27 Nov 2020

Hutter's Compend of Christian Doctrine translated by Henry Eyster Jacobs
Hutter's Compend of Christian Doctrine translated by Henry Eyster Jacobs

Hutter’s Compend has been a beloved handbook of the Christian Faith for many Christians over many years. It’s well suited for people at all levels of knowledge. The translator, Henry Eyster Jacobs, has this to say about it:

6 Nov 2020

The Inspiration and Accuracy of the Holy Scriptures by John Urquhart
The Inspiration and Accuracy of the Holy Scriptures by John Urquhart

“Criticism has reached certain conclusions regarding various Books of Scripture. The older narratives are declared to be mere legends, and the history generally is described as tradition tinctured by the time when it was put into writing. Certain Books of the Old Testament are said to fall below even this low level. They are declared to be fictions, the soothing epithet ‘pious’ being generally added, the representation being that evil was done by the writers that good might come! All these conclusions are placed before the public as genuine scientific discoveries.”

30 Oct 2020

The Reformation and the Lutheran Church: Sermons and Addresses by American Lutheran Pastors
The Reformation and the Lutheran Church: Sermons and Addresses by American Lutheran Pastors

“We have certainly great reason to be wide awake and watchful, if we would preserve the inheritance of the Lutheran Church Reformation. Strong are the delusions and temptations of these latter days, and you children and youthful Christians will doubtless see still more perilous times for the Church of Jesus Christ before you have grown old.

23 Oct 2020

The Key to the Apocalypse by Henry Grattan Guinness
The Key to the Apocalypse by Henry Grattan Guinness

“It is an unquestionable fact that the intimately related prophecies of Daniel and John contain seven divinely given interpretations, and it is evident that these must constitute the only infallible basis of exposition.

16 Oct 2020

The Lord's Supper Practically Considered by A. H. Lochman [Journal Article]
The Lord's Supper Practically Considered by A. H. Lochman [Journal Article]

“The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, is one of the most solemn, impressive, and important ordinances of our holy religion, instituted by Christ himself. It is intimately interwoven with the very existence and life of the church, and with the spiritual life of the individual Christian…”

9 Oct 2020

Epitome Of Faith, Or Epitome Credendorum: A Concise And Popular View Of The Doctrines Of The Lutheran Church by Nicholas Hunnius
Epitome Of Faith, Or Epitome Credendorum: A Concise And Popular View Of The Doctrines Of The Lutheran Church by Nicholas Hunnius

Nicholas Hunnius (1585-1643), a man of great learning, studied at Wittenberg and began to teach philosophy and theology in 1609. Elector John George I. of Saxony appointed him, in 1612, superintendent of Eilenburg, where he won the respect of his superiors and the affection of his congregation. He succeeded Leonhard Hutter, at Wittenberg, as professor of theology. In 1623 he was appointed pastor of St. Mary’s Church at Lübeck; the following year he became superintendent. (Wikipedia)

3 Sep 2020