“Imagine an association whose members having destroyed all ties of family and of country, to be singled out from among men, and whose forces are to be concentrated at last to one united and formidable end, its plan devised and it establishes its dominion by all possible means over all the nations of the earth.
21 Oct 2021
“We can only estimate correctly the Reformation, when we rightly understand the state of things in the Church which called for it. If it was not necessary, it ought not to have taken place. If there were no great evils to be rectified, the Reformation was not needed. And the evils that called for it, must have been of the most serious and aggravated nature, otherwise so great a remedy as the Reformation was not justifiable.
13 Apr 2021
“You see, now, why the Church of of Rome abhors your schools. It is because you want to make men, and she wants to make brutes. You want to raise men to the highest sphere to which his intelligence can allow him to reach; she wants to keep him in the dust, at the feet of the priests; you want to form free citizens, she wants to form abject and obedient slaves of the priests; you teach man to keep his sacred promises and stand by his oath, she teaches him that the Pope has the right to dissolve the most sacred promises, and to annul all his oaths, even the oath of allegiance to his country…
11 Mar 2021
“The great desire of Jesus Christ is, that men may believe on this love and boundless mercy with which his heart and soul abound for them — Jesus wishes it. I would dare to say that the great ambition of Jesus Christ is, that men may understand that they have never been loved by any one, as they have been by Him, and that no one ever can love them as he does.” — Rev. Charles Chiniquy.
17 Feb 2021
“Popery, age after age, retires deeper and deeper into the darkness. In proportion as the light increases, the Papacy drops thicker and yet thicker veils betwixt itself and the world. Whenever its designs are in danger of being discovered, it folds over them the skirts of its sable mantle. If still they shine through, it doubles the folds. It would appear thus to quit the scene of human affairs; but in reality it is all the while, in virtue of its invisibility, going deeper into the very heart of them.
8 Jan 2021
Edward Bishop Elliott (1793-1875) “graduated from Cambridge in 1816 and he served in various positions as a minister for the Church of England. He ultimately settled at St. Marks Church in Brighton. He was of the Evangelical school… A first rate scholar, he was deeply interested in bible prophecy and devoted his lifetime to its study. His Horae Apocalypticae is the greatest historicist exposition of the Apocalypse ever written. Begun in 1837, it ran for five editions between 1844 and 1862.”
3 Dec 2020
“Hitler’s Mein Kampf embodies all the aims and principles against liberal democratic processes reiterated in all the important papal encyclicals of post-Reformation Catholicism. It should not be surprising that the Vatican in our time, in exchange for benefits promised to the Catholic church, betrayed the forces of democracy, both inside and outside the church, and used its influence and power to foster allegiance to Fascism and Nazism throughout the world. — From The Catholic Church in Hitler’s “Mein Kampf”.
19 Nov 2020
“There are two things which Rome hates with an implacable hatred. They are the Bible and liberty. At any cost, Rome is bound to fight down these two things, till they are completely destroyed… Thanks to the betrayals of the politicians, and the delusions of the theologians, except God makes a miracle of it, the Bible and liberty are doomed in the United States…
25 Sep 2020
“The expositions of Daniel and Revelation in this Book are for the most part blendings of the eight great Historicist Expositors of the 19th and 20th Centuries, viz: Bickersteth, Elliott, Barnes, Prof. T. R. Birks, M.A., A. J. Gordon, D.D., Bishop Wordsworth, Rev. Dr. H. Grattan Guinness; and the Rev. E. H. Horne, M.A., of the Twentieth Century.”
27 Aug 2020
“If the author had never written anything else but this little book, his years of study and research in this field would be amply justified. — Agora Publishing, 1947. “The extent of the influence of the Roman Catholic Church on politics and war is not generally known to the American public. Americans have tried to look upon and treat the Roman Catholic Church in their traditionally tolerant attitude toward all religions, forgetful that its policies have always affected every phase of the life of the nations of the world, and unwilling to believe that a political Church would try to gain ascendancy over their government. This has been aided by the purposeful silence of the public press in America, which fearfully eschews all adverse comment on Catholic Church affairs.
13 Aug 2020