“A History of the Movement to make the Pope governor of the World by a Universal Reconstruction of Society from the Issue of the Syllabus to the Close of the Vatican Council.”
7 Nov 2023
“Rome has never acknowledged her errors nor admitted her moral defeat. The lessons of past history are wasted upon her… A recent Catholic writer correctly says: ‘There is no doubt that the religious problem today is still the Luther problem.’ Almost every statement of those religious doctrines which are opposed to (Roman) Catholic moral teaching find their authorization in the theology of Martin Luther.” – William Dau
19 Oct 2023
“Each party has its own cherished project, which it will strive to the utmost to realize. The Ultramontanes will conspire to lift the Church of Rome once more to universal sway over the nations. The Reactionaries will energetically labor to bring back the palmy days of despotic governments; and the Revolutionists, inferior in numbers and energy to neither of the other two parties, will leave no stone unturned towards realizing their golden dream of a universal republic.” — James Aitken Wylie
23 Sep 2023
“What the Catholic Church is hoping and working for… is the reestablishment… of the ‘Real State,’ a rigid hierarchical system wherein inferiors are subject to superiors. In this system each individual, like a cell in a body, must humbly submit to his fate and occupy his “natural place” which is allotted to him from birth and have no desire to get away from it.
25 Jan 2023
Frank Erskine is just at the start of his career when he is given less than a year to live. He moves from London to the Cornish coast in an effort to find peace before the end. And there his adventures begin.
14 Dec 2022
“This is a graphic story of the gradual unveiling of the meaning of the Apocalypse in the light of the events of history. It traces this development through eighteen centuries, from the days of the apostolic and martyr Church to those of the mediaeval Church, the Reformation Church, and the Church of modern times. It is a history of the gradual evolution during eighteen centuries, under the influence of historical facts, of that system of interpretation which has commended itself to the most temperate and enlightened minds, Historicism.” — H. Grattan Guinness.
1 Sep 2022
Includes: Transubstantiation is the most Degrading form of Idolatry, Why we must put our trust in Jesus and not Mary, A Roman Bishop’s Testimony, and Why I will Never go back to the Church of Rome.
11 Aug 2022
“Only one, true Christian Church exists, and that Church is made up of all those who sincerely believe in Christ as their Savior. The true Church, then, is invisible, including members of all denominations, even those without a denomination or formal affiliation. Only God can judge the heart, so one cannot judge whether a person has saving faith from his membership in one denomination or another.” — Gregory L Jackson
22 Feb 2022
“Led by the Jesuits and their counter-Reformation, the Catholic Church has never ceased to try to destroy the enlightened order of religious freedom and democracy that has resulted from the revolt of the Christian people in the sixteenth century against the authoritarianism and corruption of the Church of Rome. For if the effects of the Reformation were carried to completion in all countries, not only would religious and civil dictatorship be crushed for ever, but the whole structure of the Roman Catholic Church as now constituted would be threatened with extinction.
23 Dec 2021
“All evidence that Rome has presented for her Petrine claim is here considered, and the views of the leading scholars of different nations, with respect to the life and labors of the Chief of the Apostles, together with other matters cognate to the subject.” — From the Preface
8 Dec 2021