
The Most Noted Jewish Book In The World by Henry Einspruch
The Most Noted Jewish Book In The World by Henry Einspruch

“What is this book? Its Hebrew name is הברית ההדשה (Heb’rith Hechedasha) or the New Covenant. It is a collection of twenty-seven writings, biographic, historic, prophetic, and a number of personal letters. Its authors, with but one exception, were Jews; the Hero around whom the whole book centers, was a ‘Jew of Jews.’ Yet, notwithstanding this racial background, it has been regarded of such value as to warrant its translation into some 900 different languages and dialects, a thing that cannot be said of any other book.

6 Jun 2019

The Setting Of The Crescent And The Rising Of The Cross, or Kamil Abdul Messiah, A Syrian Convert From Islam To Christianity by Henry Jessup
The Setting Of The Crescent And The Rising Of The Cross, or Kamil Abdul Messiah, A Syrian Convert From Islam To Christianity by Henry Jessup

“Kamil’s history is a rebuke to our unbelief in God’s willingness and power to lead Muslims into a hearty acceptance of Christ and his atoning sacrifice. We are apt to be discouraged by the closely riveted and intense intellectual aversion of these millions of Moslems to the doctrines of the Trinity and of the divinity of Jesus Christ. But Kamil’s intellectual difficulties about the Trinity vanished when he felt the need of a divine Saviour. He seemed taught by the Spirit of God from the first. He exclaimed frequently at the wonderful scheme of redemption through the atoning work of Christ.

9 May 2019

'It Is The Will Of God!' Mission Work in Islamic Lands by William Tisdall [Journal Article]
'It Is The Will Of God!' Mission Work in Islamic Lands by William Tisdall [Journal Article]

William Tisdall was an expert in Islam and the Koran, and fluent in Arabic, Persian, and other languages. One of his most valuable books is Islamic Objections to Christianity, which will be re-released later this year by The Lutheran Library.

24 Jan 2019

The Foreign Mission Work of Pastor Louis Harms and the Church at Hermansburg by Emanuel Greenwald
The Foreign Mission Work of Pastor Louis Harms and the Church at Hermansburg by Emanuel Greenwald

“A single congregation can sustain an entire mission. There is no grander spectacle in the history of the whole Church, than this noble work of that one congregation of plain peasant Lutherans at Hermansburg…

15 Nov 2017

Six Years in Hammock Land by Ralph Jerome White
Six Years in Hammock Land by Ralph Jerome White

“As one travels up and down the Berbice River there are two things that grow upon him. The first is an ever increasing appreciation of the beauty of that tropical stream, while the second is a knowledge of the vileness of degraded man. Neither the beauty nor the vileness are at first so evident. Both are revealed only upon close acquaintance.”

8 Oct 2017