Martin Luther

What the World owes Luther by Junius Remensnyder
What the World owes Luther by Junius Remensnyder

“Great men are the fire-pillars in this dark pilgrimage of mankind; they stand as heavenly signs, everlasting witnesses of what has been, prophetic tokens of what may still be, the revealed embodied possibilities of human nature.” THOMAS CARLYLE.

5 Apr 2023

The Table Talk of Doctor Martin Luther: A Selection
The Table Talk of Doctor Martin Luther: A Selection

“Another quality that strikes us
 is Luther’s unfailing sense of humor. Reformers are usually deficient in humor. Their earnestness seldom permits them to laugh. Luther was the most earnest man of his century, and lived in more earnest times than any Europe had witnessed since the close of the first century. But his merry laugh rings through the entire solemn drama of his life. He relieved himself and others by permitting himself glimpses at the ludicrous aspects which human nature presents even in the transaction of its most solemn and momentous matters.

22 Dec 2022

Martin Luther's Church Postil - The Complete Lenker Edition in One Volume
Martin Luther's Church Postil - The Complete Lenker Edition in One Volume

Luther considered his Church Postil “The Best of all His Books”. This is the Biblical, expository, evangelical, Christ-centered preaching for which Luther should be remembered. Read these sermons and be blessed.

14 Jul 2022

Martin Luther's House Postil Complete in One Volume translated by Matthias Loy
Martin Luther's House Postil Complete in One Volume translated by Matthias Loy

Martin Luther’s House Postils are Christ-centered devotional sermons which Luther delivered to his family and students. This newly typeset edition contains the complete collection, originally published by Matthias Loy in three volumes.

25 May 2022

The Life and Deeds of Martin Luther by Fick and Loy
The Life and Deeds of Martin Luther by Fick and Loy

“Formerly the whole Evangelical Lutheran Church was unanimous in the conviction that Luther was the divinely commissioned Reformer of the Church and the herald of divine truth. But now (many) deny him this honor. They maintain, of course without the least proof, that he erred in various articles of faith, and do not hesitate to dispute his vocation as a Reformer. How easily, under such circumstances, may not even faithful Lutherans be led to waver in their faith, especially when great scholars and distinguished theologians utter such censures. To defend ourselves successfully against these false accusations we have no better means than that of a more intimate acquaintance with his writings and his life.

24 Mar 2022

Manual on the Psalms by Martin Luther
Manual on the Psalms by Martin Luther

“[Luther] felt that many things were wanting in this extemporaneous explication
 But as he was satisfied that the sense and substance of each Psalm were everywhere faithfully given, and that a very important part of the true religion was here copiously handled; he was, under these assurances, the more willing to overlook any thing that might be wanting in the way of greater correctness, and loftier language and expression.”

3 Feb 2022

Luther on Genesis: A Critical and Devotional Commentary on the Creation, Sin, and the Flood by Martin Luther
Luther on Genesis: A Critical and Devotional Commentary on the Creation, Sin, and the Flood by Martin Luther

“This volume on Genesis follows the first volume on the Psalms because the volumes ought to be published first that are needed most and will do the most good
 While both these volumes will be a healthy corrective to the Old Testament critics, their contribution to the biblical knowledge and the devotional life of Protestantism cannot be exaggerated. Though first delivered to critical students they have also been extensively read in family worship.

5 Aug 2021

Martin Luther: The Hero of the Reformation by Henry Eyster Jacobs
Martin Luther: The Hero of the Reformation by Henry Eyster Jacobs

“Professor Jacobs is an exceptionally sympathetic and competent biographer
 (He) has availed himself of all the latest sources of information, and done the needful work of selection and condensation with excellent judgment and skill.” — Christian Intelligencer.

13 Apr 2021

Devotional Readings from Luther's Works For Every Day of the Year
Devotional Readings from Luther's Works For Every Day of the Year

“America does not realize what an inheritance she has received from Luther and the Lutheran Reformation. The best way to understand Luther is to have Luther himself speak. His writings are so extensive that there is no trouble in finding something profitable for almost every occasion and condition in life. – Rev. John Sander

30 Dec 2020

Luther's Two Catechisms Explained By Himself translated by John Lenker
Luther's Two Catechisms Explained By Himself translated by John Lenker

This is a great little volume, and good introduction for those who’ve never read any Luther, or especially for those who’ve been taught about him, but have never let the great Reformer speak for himself.

20 Feb 2020