The Columbus Theological Magazine Volume 8 ed by Matthias Loy
Articles in this volume include “The Seventh Article of the Augsburg Confession”, “The Necessity of Good Works”, “The Jesuits”, “Infant Baptism” and “Life Insurance”.
Matthias Loy describes the Columbus Theological Magazine by saying, “Our Magazine was designed to meet a want that existed aside from the controversy on predestination. A Lutheran periodical devoted to theological discussion has long since been needed…We have the firm conviction that a periodical faithful in all respects to the symbolical books of the Ev. Lutheran Church, setting forth the old doctrines of the Reformation, endeavoring to make English readers acquainted with the treasures of learning and thought contained in old German and Latin folios, exhibiting the solidity and symmetry of the theological edifice erected by our fathers in an age less hurried and more thorough than the present, is what the Church has long since needed and now needs in the English language.”
4 Mar 2025