
Short Stories Of The Hymns by Henry Kieffer
Short Stories Of The Hymns by Henry Kieffer

“The purpose of this little book is to present to its readers some brief account of the origin and authorship of some of our more familiar hymns… to select from a very large amount of material which the author has for years past been gathering, a few of the more striking and interesting incidents connected with the composition of some of our best known Songs of Zion.

29 Jan 2025

The Voice of Christian Life in Song; Hymns and Hymn Writers of Many Lands and Ages by Elizabeth Rundle Charles
The Voice of Christian Life in Song; Hymns and Hymn Writers of Many Lands and Ages by Elizabeth Rundle Charles

“The Christian men of former times…are still our fathers; and their creed… is our precious and sacred heritage… The treasures of sacred song… may serve to illustrate that unity of faith which binds one age to another through the communion of Saints.” -from the Preface

4 Jun 2024

The Story of Our Hymns by Ernest Edwin Ryden
The Story of Our Hymns by Ernest Edwin Ryden

This volume has been inspired by a desire on the part of the author to create deeper love for the great lyrics of the Christian Church... To know the hymns of the Church is to know something of the spiritual strivings and achievements of the people of God throughout the centuries.

13 Sep 2023

The Lutheran Hymnal Text Only Edition
The Lutheran Hymnal Text Only Edition

By request, here is a text only version of the public domain hymns in The Lutheran Hymnal. The hardback version which includes the music is available from Concordia Publishing House. May this ebook be a blessing to you in your personal devotions.

3 Aug 2022

Daily Handbook In Good and Evil Days by John Frederick Starck
Daily Handbook In Good and Evil Days by John Frederick Starck

“For nearly [three] hundred years Starck’s Daily Handbook has been a standard book of devotion; and it is not likely to be superseded by anything superior for many years to come. First published in 1728, it was at once received with great favor. As new editions were demanded, the original dimensions of the work were increased by the addition of other prayers, until finally, in the edition of 1776, edited by the son of J. F. Starck, the book appeared in its completed form, containing prayers for almost every conceivable time and emergency.

4 May 2022

An Explanation of the Common Service with Appendices on Christian Hymnody and Liturgical Colors and a Glossary of Liturgical Terms
An Explanation of the Common Service with Appendices on Christian Hymnody and Liturgical Colors and a Glossary of Liturgical Terms

“The Lutheran Church may justly claim that, in the Common Service, she possesses and uses “the completest embodiment of the Common Service of the Christian Church of all ages”; a Service “which may he tendered to all Christians who use a fixed Order, the Service of the future as it has been of the past” (Preface to the Common Service). Should this book be of assistance to any one, in awakening interest, or in developing a better understanding, a more intelligent use, and a higher appreciation of the forms of Divine Worship, as the Church of the Reformation conceives and orders it, the very considerable time and labor which its production has cost will not have been spent in vain.” — From the Introduction.

9 Feb 2022

The Christian Year by John Keble
The Christian Year by John Keble

“…the book is to deepen devotion, but there is one class of people above all others, for whose help it is most adapted. It is ‘an admirable handbook for the parish priest, because written by one who himself labored through the greater part of his ministerial career as a[n Anglican] parish priest.’”

16 Mar 2020

Stories Of Favorite Hymns: The Origin, Authorship, And Use Of Hymns We Love by William Hunton
Stories Of Favorite Hymns: The Origin, Authorship, And Use Of Hymns We Love by William Hunton

“Hymns are a most important part of our worship. They mold character and often shape the lives of those who sing them.” “The writing of these pages was an accident and a pleasure. An editorial emergency called forth the first article; our personal interest induced several others; then the interest of our readers requested the series. Favorable comments and the expressed desire of not a few to have the articles in permanent form explain the appearance of this volume.

13 Feb 2020

Twenty-four Memory Hymns And Their Stories by Amos Russel Wells
Twenty-four Memory Hymns And Their Stories by Amos Russel Wells

“If we can add to our mind treasury the twenty-four leading hymns of the Christian church, what a splendid employment it will be! — Rev. Amos Wells Why These 24 Hymns To Memorize? “On the way to the Denver Christian Endeavor Convention, Mrs. F. E. Clark asked a large number of distinguished clergymen and eminent laymen that were upon the train, to prepare a list of what they considered the most beautiful and helpful Christian hymns. They did so, and a large and exceedingly fine list was the result… It is hoped that they will be committed to memory by all Juniors, and it is suggested that one of these hymns be repeated in concert at every Junior meeting for a month. Let the pastor or superintendent tell the story of the hymn, and give an opportunity for those who can bring in additional stories to do so.

30 Jan 2020

Paul Gerhardt: A Short Biography of the Hymn Writer by John Gottlieb Morris [Journal Article]
Paul Gerhardt: A Short Biography of the Hymn Writer by John Gottlieb Morris [Journal Article]

“Never were pious resignation to God’s will — complete subjection to His sovereignty – perfect patience under disappointment and sorrow more beautifully and impressively uttered… We do not think it possible for human language to express a more thorough acquiescence in the decrees of Providence. This was the character of Gerhardt’s piety, and to be in all things of the same mind with God, is the perfection of piety.” – John Morris.

28 May 2019