“You see, now, why the Church of of Rome abhors your schools. It is because you want to make men, and she wants to make brutes. You want to raise men to the highest sphere to which his intelligence can allow him to reach; she wants to keep him in the dust, at the feet of the priests; you want to form free citizens, she wants to form abject and obedient slaves of the priests; you teach man to keep his sacred promises and stand by his oath, she teaches him that the Pope has the right to dissolve the most sacred promises, and to annul all his oaths, even the oath of allegiance to his country…
11 Mar 2021
“Twice we heard Henry Watterson deliver his classical lecture on Abraham Lincoln. At the most dramatic point in the address the speaker discussed the problem, how to account adequately for the great president. After analyzing his ancestry and all his environments in a keen and discerning way, Mr. Watterson exclaimed: ‘The only explanation of Abraham Lincoln is’ — then pausing solemnly and impressively, lifting his hand and pointing upward, he repeated, ‘The only explanation of Abraham Lincoln is — God!’ It was a most thrilling moment in the address. No hearer could doubt that God raised up this great and good man for the time and exigency in which he lived.” — Leander Keyser. In The Apostles’ Footsteps: Sermons on the Epistle Lessons for the Church Year.
20 Nov 2020
“Hitler’s Mein Kampf embodies all the aims and principles against liberal democratic processes reiterated in all the important papal encyclicals of post-Reformation Catholicism. It should not be surprising that the Vatican in our time, in exchange for benefits promised to the Catholic church, betrayed the forces of democracy, both inside and outside the church, and used its influence and power to foster allegiance to Fascism and Nazism throughout the world. — From The Catholic Church in Hitler’s “Mein Kampf”.
19 Nov 2020
“Nor will the careful student ever recall Lincoln without recognizing the Gettysburg incident as condensing within itself all that he elsewhere spoke and wrote and accomplished. The meaning of what had transpired on the first three days of July, 1863, with the thousands of lives that had been sacrificed, and the tens of thousands that were enduring untold physical suffering, and the countless homes throughout the land that were darkened because they mourned loved ones, so filled his heart that he compressed the convictions of a lifetime and the anguish of the responsibilities he was then bearing, into a two minutes’ address that has become the most highly cherished classic that America has produced. The aim of what is presented in the following pages is to treat of the historical setting of the address, together with a study of the principles which underlie it.” — Henry Eyster Jacobs
30 Sep 2020
“If the author had never written anything else but this little book, his years of study and research in this field would be amply justified. — Agora Publishing, 1947. “The extent of the influence of the Roman Catholic Church on politics and war is not generally known to the American public. Americans have tried to look upon and treat the Roman Catholic Church in their traditionally tolerant attitude toward all religions, forgetful that its policies have always affected every phase of the life of the nations of the world, and unwilling to believe that a political Church would try to gain ascendancy over their government. This has been aided by the purposeful silence of the public press in America, which fearfully eschews all adverse comment on Catholic Church affairs.
13 Aug 2020
“The two main changes that came about as a result of the Protestant Reformation concerned: l) the reassertion of the true faith in Christ and His saving work; 2) a new culture of freedom in the social order. A change back to the Roman Catholic teaching on these two vital matters would mean abandonment of the true evangelical way of salvation, and, as a consequence, a return to a social order somewhat similar to what Europe experienced during the Middle Ages. This is the issue at stake in the struggle today between the forces of the Roman Catholic Church and those of Protestantism. This is what is behind the great drive of Roman Catholic propagandists today to induce Protestants to become Roman Catholics and to make America Catholic.
6 Aug 2020
“The death of President Lincoln was the culmination of but one step in the attempt to carry out the Secret Treaty of Verona, of October, 1822, a pact entered into by the “high contracting parties” of the former Congress of Vienna, Austria, which had held its sessions secret, covering the whole year of 1814-15.
17 Jul 2020
“The Jesuit Order was the Satanic answer to the Reformation, endeavoring to restore the lost fortunes of the Papacy. What would it not give to again rule in England? Mr. Close reveals some of the criminal efforts of these ‘Shock troops of Rome’.”
29 Jun 2020
What is going on in America? “Lock-downs”, riots in 100 cities, mass unemployment, the destruction of small businesses. This rare little book ties current events into the great chess game of history.
4 Jun 2020
“The Reformation of the sixteenth century, which gave birth to Protestantism, was based on Scripture. It gave back to the world the Bible. It taught the Scriptures; it exposed the errors and corruptions of Rome by the use of the sword of the Spirit… We have suffered prophetic anti-papal truth to be too much forgotten. This generation is dangerously… indifferent to truth and error on points on which Scripture is tremendously decided and absolutely clear.
6 May 2020