“It is a mistake to regard everything in Talmudic writings about ‘the Gentiles’ as presently applying to Christians… That ‘the heathens’ of those days and lands should have been suspected of almost any abomination, deemed capable of any treachery or cruelty towards Israel—no student of history can deem strange…
22 May 2023
“What the Catholic Church is hoping and working for… is the reestablishment… of the ‘Real State,’ a rigid hierarchical system wherein inferiors are subject to superiors. In this system each individual, like a cell in a body, must humbly submit to his fate and occupy his “natural place” which is allotted to him from birth and have no desire to get away from it.
25 Jan 2023
“This is a graphic story of the gradual unveiling of the meaning of the Apocalypse in the light of the events of history. It traces this development through eighteen centuries, from the days of the apostolic and martyr Church to those of the mediaeval Church, the Reformation Church, and the Church of modern times. It is a history of the gradual evolution during eighteen centuries, under the influence of historical facts, of that system of interpretation which has commended itself to the most temperate and enlightened minds, Historicism.” — H. Grattan Guinness.
1 Sep 2022
“It is one of the most striking, and most valuable characteristics of the Bible, that it is the Book of mankind. It is both designed, and prepared, for all people, and for all classes of people. In it God addresses the whole human family: and as a parent speaking to his household seeks to adapt himself to the comprehension of each member of the circle, so is the word of God made to suit itself to the wants and the conditions of all…”
16 Dec 2021
“…the cause of all anti-Semitism springs from the denial of equal rights and citizenship to Jews in pre-Reformation Christianity… this denial was dogmatized into Christian society by the popes… It was revived in France immediately after the collapse of democracy there in June 1940, and was put into effect by the decrees of the ‘Christian’ Petain-Laval regime on October 18, 1940.”
17 Nov 2021
“Imagine an association whose members having destroyed all ties of family and of country, to be singled out from among men, and whose forces are to be concentrated at last to one united and formidable end, its plan devised and it establishes its dominion by all possible means over all the nations of the earth.
21 Oct 2021
The Rev. Phineas D. Gurley, D.D., Mr. Lincoln’s pastor while President, writes: “I have had frequent and intimate conversations with him [Lincoln] on the subject of the Bible and the Christian religion, when he could have had no motive to deceive me, and I considered him sound, not only on the truth of the Christian religion, but on all its fundamental doctrines and teachings. And, more than that, in the latter days of his chastened and weary life, after the death of his son Willie, and his visit to the battlefield of Gettysburg, he said, with tears in his eyes, that he had lost confidence in everything but God, and that he now believed his heart was changed and that he loved the Saviour, and, if he was not deceived in himself, it was his intention soon to make a profession of religion."
29 Sep 2021
“So thorough has become the importance of the Individual, that the supremacy of law over royal power is now an established rule in England, and every individual has the right to resist an illegal act against his person or property, by whomsoever attempted. The right of Freedom of Debate in Parliament, and the immunity of the representative from all answer elsewhere, long contested by the King, were ultimately wrested from him, as also the Freedom of the Press and the personal Freedom of legislators — valuable principles without which free government is impossible, and every invasion of which, upon however specious pretexts, should be sternly resisted.” — Edward McPherson
23 Apr 2021
“We can only estimate correctly the Reformation, when we rightly understand the state of things in the Church which called for it. If it was not necessary, it ought not to have taken place. If there were no great evils to be rectified, the Reformation was not needed. And the evils that called for it, must have been of the most serious and aggravated nature, otherwise so great a remedy as the Reformation was not justifiable.
13 Apr 2021
“Unbelieving and unrighteous men do hate the old Church doctrines. Why? Because these old teachings as to sin, guilt, retribution, the fact and need of a divine-human vicarious atonement the need of sovereign grace, the need of the divinely instituted means and all that these fundamental teachings imply – these teachings are unwelcome to the reason of the natural man.” — George Gerberding
9 Apr 2021