
Out of the Labyrinth: The Conversion of a Roman Catholic Priest by Leo Lehmann
Out of the Labyrinth: The Conversion of a Roman Catholic Priest by Leo Lehmann

“Led by the Jesuits and their counter-Reformation, the Catholic Church has never ceased to try to destroy the enlightened order of religious freedom and democracy that has resulted from the revolt of the Christian people in the sixteenth century against the authoritarianism and corruption of the Church of Rome. For if the effects of the Reformation were carried to completion in all countries, not only would religious and civil dictatorship be crushed for ever, but the whole structure of the Roman Catholic Church as now constituted would be threatened with extinction.

23 Dec 2021

Between Two Captains – The Autobiography of John Jacob Lehmanowsky
Between Two Captains – The Autobiography of John Jacob Lehmanowsky

John Lehmanowsky was born in Warsaw in 1773 to a Jewish family, and as a young man he converted to Christianity. Through a series of events he became known to Napoleon, and took part in many campaigns including the destruction of the Inquisition at Madrid. He escaped from Austerlitz, and later prison. As an immigrant to the US, he served the church in many ways, and was a friend to Lafayette, Henry Clay, and others. Lehmanowsky explains:

7 Apr 2021

Israel and the Gentiles by Henry Schmidt
Israel and the Gentiles by Henry Schmidt

A review of and reflections on Israel and the Gentiles. Contributions to the History of the Jews, from the earliest times to the present day. By Dr. Isaac Da Costa

25 Mar 2021

The Treatment of the Awakened by Henry Ziegler
The Treatment of the Awakened by Henry Ziegler

“It has been frequently said that the grand object of preaching the Gospel, is to lead sinners to make the inquiry, ‘what must I do to be saved?’ Another subject of equal, if not of vastly greater importance to the minister of Christ is, how shall awakened and inquiring souls be treated?” — Henry Ziegler

10 Feb 2021

Forty Years In The Church of Christ by Charles Chiniquy
Forty Years In The Church of Christ by Charles Chiniquy

“There are two things which Rome hates with an implacable hatred. They are the Bible and liberty. At any cost, Rome is bound to fight down these two things, till they are completely destroyed… Thanks to the betrayals of the politicians, and the delusions of the theologians, except God makes a miracle of it, the Bible and liberty are doomed in the United States…

25 Sep 2020

The Soul of a Priest by Leo Herbert Lehmann
The Soul of a Priest by Leo Herbert Lehmann

“Papalism proclaims that all men have been redeemed by the sacrificial death of Jesus. Yet it has developed a dogmatic system that actually denies that redemption, even in another world, except to those who conform in every particular to its rules and regulations. It is more concerned about the doctrines and dogmas which it has evolved to preserve its external structure than in the saving message of Christ as set forth in the New Testament. Its basic defect is that it has restored a religious and social system which Christ severely condemned. It seeks to redeem mankind by a man-made system from which Christ freed us. It has restored the old fatalism of the Orient, which affirms that man is, and must ever remain, a mere creature of dust to be ruled to the end by external laws. It thus denies the sovereignty of the individual soul, the sonship of each with the Fatherhood of God, and of the full brotherhood of all men through Christ." — Leo Lehmann, from The Soul of a Priest.

23 Jul 2020

Aamon Always by Dan E. L. Patch
Aamon Always by Dan E. L. Patch

Dan E. L. Patch, a devoted Christian and the police chief of Highland Park, Michigan, wrote this book in 1940, just before the US entered World War II. It’s a gripping story of a young man who transcends corruption and misfortune.

24 Jun 2019

An Appeal to the Jewish People by Rabbi Isaac Lichtenstein Of Budapest
An Appeal to the Jewish People by Rabbi Isaac Lichtenstein Of Budapest

“I entreat you to read this little paper calmly from beginning to end. To read it thoughtfully, without prejudice, and undisturbed by the outcry made by people who are either deceivers themselves or deceived.”

11 Jun 2019

The Most Noted Jewish Book In The World by Henry Einspruch
The Most Noted Jewish Book In The World by Henry Einspruch

“What is this book? Its Hebrew name is הברית ההדשה (Heb’rith Hechedasha) or the New Covenant. It is a collection of twenty-seven writings, biographic, historic, prophetic, and a number of personal letters. Its authors, with but one exception, were Jews; the Hero around whom the whole book centers, was a ‘Jew of Jews.’ Yet, notwithstanding this racial background, it has been regarded of such value as to warrant its translation into some 900 different languages and dialects, a thing that cannot be said of any other book.

6 Jun 2019

The Setting Of The Crescent And The Rising Of The Cross, or Kamil Abdul Messiah, A Syrian Convert From Islam To Christianity by Henry Jessup
The Setting Of The Crescent And The Rising Of The Cross, or Kamil Abdul Messiah, A Syrian Convert From Islam To Christianity by Henry Jessup

“Kamil’s history is a rebuke to our unbelief in God’s willingness and power to lead Muslims into a hearty acceptance of Christ and his atoning sacrifice. We are apt to be discouraged by the closely riveted and intense intellectual aversion of these millions of Moslems to the doctrines of the Trinity and of the divinity of Jesus Christ. But Kamil’s intellectual difficulties about the Trinity vanished when he felt the need of a divine Saviour. He seemed taught by the Spirit of God from the first. He exclaimed frequently at the wonderful scheme of redemption through the atoning work of Christ.

9 May 2019