
The Koran's Testimony to the Truth of Christianity by Sir William Muir
The Koran's Testimony to the Truth of Christianity by Sir William Muir

“The Mindr ul Hakk is a treatise designed to show the evidence in support of Christianity contained in the Koran - a ‘beacon pointing to the faith of the Gospel’… exhibiting the style of dogmatic reasoning and thought prevalent among theologians of the East.” - from the Introduction.

26 Feb 2025

The Six Pointed Star by O J Graham
The Six Pointed Star by O J Graham

“The author is a Christian journalist of Jewish ancestry with earned doctorates in ministry and theology. Here, this lover the Jews gives startling truth concerning the origin and historical uses of the hexagram, or six-pointed star.” - From the Back Cover

3 Feb 2025

How I Found the True Faith by Samuel McGerald
How I Found the True Faith by Samuel McGerald

The story of a remarkable conversion from Roman Catholicism, with additional chapters on subjects vital and fundamental.

20 Nov 2024

Reasons Why I Cannot Return to the Church of Rome by Samuel McGerald
Reasons Why I Cannot Return to the Church of Rome by Samuel McGerald

“In view of the persistent and unflagging efforts of my friends to win or force me back to the Roman faith, I am led to give the following reaosns why I cannot return to the church I broke away from sixty-five years ago…” -From the Foreword

12 Nov 2024

From the Church of Rome to the Church of Christ by James Godkin
From the Church of Rome to the Church of Christ by James Godkin

“There is not any thing fictitious in the following pages. They contain a faithful narrative of the Author’s experience as a devout Roman Catholic - as a Sceptic in that communion- as a Convert, convinced of the truth of Protestantism, but not renewed in heart - and finally, as a Believer in JESUS.” - from the Author’s Preface.

26 Feb 2024

TOHU-VA-VOHU: Without Form and Void by Alfred Edersheim
TOHU-VA-VOHU: Without Form and Void by Alfred Edersheim

Includes an account of Alfred Edersheim’s conversion from Judaism to Christianity. Book Contents About The Author Frontispiece Titlepage Preface Memoir Tohu-va-vohu Index Of Subjects Publication Information Lutheran Library edition first published: 2023 Copyright: CC BY 4.0

18 Jul 2023

The Way of Salvation In The Lutheran Church by George Gerberding
The Way of Salvation In The Lutheran Church by George Gerberding

“The aim of the author is to present a clear, concise, and yet as comprehensive a view as possible, of the way of salvation as taught in the Scriptures, and held by the Lutheran Church.” — M. Rhodes.

3 Nov 2022

Kanamori's Life-Story Told by Himself; How the Higher Criticism Wrecked a Japanese Christian: And How He Came Back by Paul Michitomo Kanamori
Kanamori's Life-Story Told by Himself; How the Higher Criticism Wrecked a Japanese Christian: And How He Came Back by Paul Michitomo Kanamori

“Why did I leave the ministry when I left the Congregational church? Because, in the first place, my New Theology and Higher Criticism had destroyed my faith in the perfect, divine authority of the Bible; and in the second place, they had destroyed my faith in the perfect deity of Christ. When I had lost these two things I had lost everything… I could preach all the practical side of Christianity, but not the central fundamental truths of Christianity, Christ and his salvation through the cross.

14 Sep 2022

Sweet First Fruits: A Tale To Muslims On The Truth And Virtue Of The Christian Religion by Sir William Muir
Sweet First Fruits: A Tale To Muslims On The Truth And Virtue Of The Christian Religion by Sir William Muir

“Sweet First Fruits is a… story primarily designed to give scope and opportunity for presenting to the Muslim reader the proofs of the Christian faith, the purity and genuineness of our Bible, its attestation by the Koran, and the consequent obligation on Muslims to obey its precepts. The argument is developed, in the dialectic style, between a party of Christian converts and their former companions. The Muslim world has never, since the rise of Islam, had an appeal made to it under more favorable circumstances, nor one more likely to ensure respect, if not force conviction. Differing from all former treatises, it contains not one word offensive to the Muslim, beyond the strength and conclusiveness of the reasoning, which, indeed, is mainly drawn from the Koran itself.”

7 Apr 2022

New Testament Conversions by George H. Gerberding
New Testament Conversions by George H. Gerberding

“In these godless and worldly times we must earnestly and diligently preach conversion. We must insist on its necessity. We must reason, exhort, convince, beseech, and plead; ‘Turn ye, turn ye; why will ye die?’”

9 Mar 2022