“Dr. Krauth was beyond all question the most learned and distinguished among all Lutheran theologians that use the English Language, and the great scholars of our church in other parts of the world have long ago ranked him among the chief scholars of the great church of theologians.” – Dr. G. F. Krotel
28 May 2019
“The prophecies of the Old Testament concerning the Gentiles had been so numerous and diversified that nothing but the partial blindness of Israel could have prevented them from entertaining a general expectation of the speedy accession of all nations to the kingdom of God…
7 May 2019
William Tisdall was an expert in Islam and the Koran, and fluent in Arabic, Persian, and other languages. One of his most valuable books is Islamic Objections to Christianity, which will be re-released later this year by The Lutheran Library.
24 Jan 2019
The First Free Diet [formal discussion] of the Lutheran Church was held at St. Matthew’s Church in Philadelphia on December 27-28, 1877. It had representatives from four of the largest Synods at the time. The speakers included some of the great defenders of orthodox Lutheranism in America: Emanuel Greenwald, Charles Krauth, Henry Eyster Jacobs and others. The remarks made by participants are of particular interest.
13 Nov 2018
“The Christian religion has been called a way of life. It is indeed a way of life, but it is at the same time a way of faith and a way of thought. If it should cease to be a way of thought, it would soon cease to be a way of life.
28 Dec 2017
“A single congregation can sustain an entire mission. There is no grander spectacle in the history of the whole Church, than this noble work of that one congregation of plain peasant Lutherans at Hermansburg…
15 Nov 2017
“As one travels up and down the Berbice River there are two things that grow upon him. The first is an ever increasing appreciation of the beauty of that tropical stream, while the second is a knowledge of the vileness of degraded man. Neither the beauty nor the vileness are at first so evident. Both are revealed only upon close acquaintance.”
8 Oct 2017