Church History

The Priesthood of Believers by George H. Gerberding
The Priesthood of Believers by George H. Gerberding

“Luther taught that every true believer is a spiritual priest, is as near to the great Head of the Church as any official priest can be, and is equally entitled to the promise and gift of the Holy Ghost. He may exercise priestly functions among his fellow men and ought to do what he can to promote their wellbeing. This teaching of Luther was calculated to awaken a joyous consciousness and energy in the common Christian calling.” — George Gerberding

13 Apr 2021

The Lutheran Church in the Country by George H. Gerberding
The Lutheran Church in the Country by George H. Gerberding

“God has His own way of saving humanity and that His way of salvation is clearly marked out in His Word. Of this [The Reformed Christians] are sadly ignorant. It has not been explained to them. This is their misfortune rather than their fault. Instead of denouncing them, we should feel sorry for them. We should use every endeavor to show them kindly, lovingly, patiently, a more excellent way. In their zeal, which is not according to knowledge, these good people are ready to take up and fall in with anything that promises relief and betterment. They are often imposed upon and inveigled into the fanatical sects that make a great show of earnestness. These immersionist and revivalist and sanctificationist sects are heretics as to psychology, as to pedagogy and as to theology. They burn the country over like a forest fire.” — George Gerberding

9 Apr 2021

My Dogs in the Northland by Egerton Ryerson Young
My Dogs in the Northland by Egerton Ryerson Young

Jack London credited My Dogs in the Northland as inspiration for his novel The Call of the Wild. “For years, with great dogs, I toiled and often with them was in great perils. Much of my work was accomplished by their aid. So I believe in dogs, and here in this book I have written of some of them and their deeds.” – Rev. Egerton R. Young

4 Apr 2021

History of Protestantism Vol. 1 by James Aitken Wylie
History of Protestantism Vol. 1 by James Aitken Wylie

“It is true no doubt, that Protestantism, strictly viewed, is simply a principle. It is not a policy. It is not an empire, having its fleets and armies, its officers and tribunals wherewith to extend its dominion and make its authority be obeyed. It is not even a Church with its hierarchies and synods and edicts; it is simply a principle. But it is the greatest of all principles. It is a creative power. Its plastic influence is all-embracing. It penetrates into the heart and renews the individual. It goes down to the depths and, by its omnipotent but noiseless energy, vivifies and regenerates society. It thus becomes the creator of all that is true, and lovely, and great; the founder of free kingdoms, and the mother of pure churches. The globe itself it claims as a stage not too wide for the manifestation of its beneficent action; and the whole of its terrestrial affairs it deems a sphere not too vast to fill with its spirit, and the rule by its law.” — James Aitken Wylie

26 Mar 2021

Israel and the Gentiles by Henry Schmidt
Israel and the Gentiles by Henry Schmidt

A review of and reflections on Israel and the Gentiles. Contributions to the History of the Jews, from the earliest times to the present day. By Dr. Isaac Da Costa

25 Mar 2021

Rome and Education by Charles Chiniquy
Rome and Education by Charles Chiniquy

“You see, now, why the Church of of Rome abhors your schools. It is because you want to make men, and she wants to make brutes. You want to raise men to the highest sphere to which his intelligence can allow him to reach; she wants to keep him in the dust, at the feet of the priests; you want to form free citizens, she wants to form abject and obedient slaves of the priests; you teach man to keep his sacred promises and stand by his oath, she teaches him that the Pope has the right to dissolve the most sacred promises, and to annul all his oaths, even the oath of allegiance to his country…

11 Mar 2021

The World Before the Flood and the History of the Patriarchs. Volume 1 of Bible History. by Alfred Edersheim
The World Before the Flood and the History of the Patriarchs. Volume 1 of Bible History. by Alfred Edersheim

“One of the most marked and hopeful signs of our time is the increasing attention given on all sides to the study of Holy Scripture. Those who believe and love the Bible, who have experienced its truth and power, can only rejoice at such an issue. They know that ’the Word of God liveth and abideth for ever,’ that ’not one tittle’ of it ‘shall fail;’ and that it is ‘able to make wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus.’ Accordingly they have no reason to dread the results either of scientific investigation, or of searching inquiry into ’those things which are most surely believed among us.’ For, the more the Bible is studied, the deeper will be our conviction that ’the foundation of God standeth sure.’” — Alfred Edersheim, from the Preface.

4 Mar 2021

Fifty Years in America by Nils Nilsen Ronning
Fifty Years in America by Nils Nilsen Ronning

“This introduction business is seldom a satisfactory affair. Once when I was introduced as the main speaker, it was not much of an occasion, I was wondering what a remarkable man the chairman was talking about. When it dawned on me that I was the man, I realized with a pang what I might have been; now it was too late.

18 Dec 2020

A Brief History of the Lutheran Church in America by Juergen Neve
A Brief History of the Lutheran Church in America by Juergen Neve

“The ‘Brief History of the Lutheran Church in America,’ …has been kindly admitted as a textbook in almost all theological seminaries of the Lutheran Church in this country… As in the previous edition, so in this one, it has been our aim to furnish a textbook that would serve as a guide for instruction in theological seminaries. Students and teachers alike prefer a book that is easily read. Even a seeming confusion of facts tries their patience. For this reason our ‘Brief History’ views the material from the viewpoint of extension and organization rather than from that of confessional development. The numerous divisions and the use of heavy type even in the body of the text have been made in the interest of perspicuity, and to aid the teacher and student alike readily to catch the leading thoughts. Qui bene distinguit, bene docet. [ He who distinguishes well, teaches well.]

27 Nov 2020

The Reformation and the Lutheran Church: Sermons and Addresses by American Lutheran Pastors
The Reformation and the Lutheran Church: Sermons and Addresses by American Lutheran Pastors

“We have certainly great reason to be wide awake and watchful, if we would preserve the inheritance of the Lutheran Church Reformation. Strong are the delusions and temptations of these latter days, and you children and youthful Christians will doubtless see still more perilous times for the Church of Jesus Christ before you have grown old.

23 Oct 2020