Church History

Living Fountains or Broken Cisterns: Education for Protestants by E A Sutherland
Living Fountains or Broken Cisterns: Education for Protestants by E A Sutherland

True education, Protestantism, and republicanism form a threefold union which defies the powers of earth to overthrow; but today Protestant churches are growing weak, and the boasted freedom of America's democracy is being exchanged for monarchical principles of government."

17 Oct 2024

Sayings and Doings of Luther by John Gottlieb Morris
Sayings and Doings of Luther by John Gottlieb Morris

ā€œOf thirteen hundred and forty-three booksā€¦ written on the subject of Lutherā€¦ not one is like this oneā€¦ Some may think that I should have given my authorities and references; but as the book was (made) for plain readersā€¦ the mention of which would have interrupted the narrative and been of no service. - John G Morrisā€

3 Sep 2024

The Two Babylons. Papal Worship Proven to be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife by Alexander Hislop
The Two Babylons. Papal Worship Proven to be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife by Alexander Hislop

ā€œIt has always been easy to show that the Church which has its seat and headquarters on the seven hills of Rome might most appropriately be called ā€˜Babylonā€™, inasmuch as it is the chief seat of idolatry under the New Testament, as the ancient Babylon was the chief seat of idolatry under the old.ā€ - From the Introduction.

10 Jul 2024

The Voice of Christian Life in Song; Hymns and Hymn Writers of Many Lands and Ages by Elizabeth Rundle Charles
The Voice of Christian Life in Song; Hymns and Hymn Writers of Many Lands and Ages by Elizabeth Rundle Charles

ā€œThe Christian men of former timesā€¦are still our fathers; and their creedā€¦ is our precious and sacred heritageā€¦ The treasures of sacred songā€¦ may serve to illustrate that unity of faith which binds one age to another through the communion of Saints.ā€ -from the Preface

4 Jun 2024

The Death Penalty for Heresy from 1184 to 1921 AD by George Coulton
The Death Penalty for Heresy from 1184 to 1921 AD by George Coulton

ā€œBetween schism and heresy, as Aquinas himself argues, the difference is often merely a difference of words; and he maintains that the schismatic, like the heretic, may be punished not only with excommunication but also the secular arm (death).ā€ -from the Introduction

28 May 2024

A Man Spoke, The World Listened: The Story of Walter A. Maier
A Man Spoke, The World Listened: The Story of Walter A. Maier

ā€œThe voice had an extraordinary range, for each week it was heard around the world. In Shanghai it introduced a Chinese highway engineer to Christianity. In Illinois it caused a woman who as driving to an illicit tryst to make a U-turn on the highway. In Poland it preached anything but party line to a Communist functionary. And to millions of others across the earth, the voice had become a Sunday institution.ā€ From the Prologue.

29 Apr 2024

Road to Reformation: Martin Luther to the Year 1521 by Heinrich Boehmer
Road to Reformation: Martin Luther to the Year 1521 by Heinrich Boehmer

A psychologically oriented history of Martin Luther.

1 Apr 2024

Martyrs of the Reformation by Merle D'Aubigne
Martyrs of the Reformation by Merle D'Aubigne

ā€œThe personal sketches contained in this volumeā€¦ constitute a notable gallery of religious portraits. They cannot but be read with the deepest interest. - From the Introduction Of note are Wolseyā€™s Victimā€™s, William Tyndale, and Luther: His Triumph in Death

5 Feb 2024

History of Protestantism Vol. 3 by James Aitken Wylie
History of Protestantism Vol. 3 by James Aitken Wylie

ā€œProtestantismā€¦ penetrates into the heart and renews the individual. It isā€¦ the founder of free kingdoms, and the mother of pure churches.ā€ ā€” James Aitken Wylie This is the third of three volumes. The first volume is History of Protestantism Volume 1. The second volume is History of Protestantism Volume 2.

16 Jan 2024

History of Protestantism Vol. 2 by James Aitken Wylie
History of Protestantism Vol. 2 by James Aitken Wylie

ā€œProtestantismā€¦ penetrates into the heart and renews the individual. It isā€¦ the founder of free kingdoms, and the mother of pure churches.ā€ ā€” James Aitken Wylie This is the second of three volumes. The first volume is History of Protestantism Volume 1.

2 Jan 2024