“These sermons were preached in the Church of the Holy Communion, Philadelphia, to a congregation consisting in part of University and college students. In preaching it was impossible to disassociate from my mind the struggles through which many of these young people were passing and the battles which I was asked to help them fight during the week.
11 Dec 2020
“If ever any man was competent to write on true Christianity, that man was John Arndt. It had become his very life; it entered into the very center of his own experience; it was an essential part of his being, and hence it was only necessary to let the mouth utter that, of which the heart was full. We need not be surprised that this book, at its first appearance, met with undivided approbation and an extensive sale. It was properly regarded as the first book of devotion in the protestant church, and soon established for itself the character of a masterpiece of unperishable value.
2 Oct 2020
“The following translation of a manuscript letter of the venerable Patriarch of the Lutheran Church in America, will constitute an acceptable addition to the valuable biographies which precede it. Its historic is not its only interest. Exhibiting the spirit in which the Fathers of our church labored, it furnishes useful lessons to the sons. O si sic omnes! [If only in this way all!]”
9 Sep 2020
This book of brief and simple sermons are the result of a lifetime of study, thought and experience by a faithful pastor and teacher. “The title expresses the chief purpose of the book — to follow ‘In the Redeemer’s Footsteps.’ Christ is the Redeemer; by His active and passive obedience He ransomed us from the just consequences of our sins. Therefore it has been the author’s purpose to show the vital connection of each gospel lesson with God’s great and holy plan of saving grace. Every event in the Redeemer’s life and every teaching He uttered must have a real bearing on the central purpose of His incarnation and work: in other words, must be a link, or part of link, in the living chain…
28 Aug 2020
“Our love for the Apostles’ Creed will stand in exact ratio to our intimate acquaintance with it, and our love for the great fundamental truths of the Gospel of which it is the synopsis. May we so know these truths that we will not be disturbed by the outcry against the creeds. May we so know this Creed, and the living truths to which it gives expression, that when we repeat it we will be confessing the real faith of our hearts, without which there is no salvation. — Robert Golladay
9 Jul 2020
“There is a knowledge which puffeth up, because it is sundered from true faith which maketh humble. It is knowledge without light or life, a cold thing lodged in the brain, but without influence on the sensibilities and will. Such knowledge is useless, no matter how extensive it may be. It secures not the accomplishment of God’s will in us unto our salvation, nor by us unto His glory. For faith is just as necessary for a life of conformity to God’s will, as it is for salvation according to His will.” — Matthias Loy
30 Apr 2020
“Hymns are a most important part of our worship. They mold character and often shape the lives of those who sing them.” “The writing of these pages was an accident and a pleasure. An editorial emergency called forth the first article; our personal interest induced several others; then the interest of our readers requested the series. Favorable comments and the expressed desire of not a few to have the articles in permanent form explain the appearance of this volume.
13 Feb 2020
“If we can add to our mind treasury the twenty-four leading hymns of the Christian church, what a splendid employment it will be! — Rev. Amos Wells Why These 24 Hymns To Memorize? “On the way to the Denver Christian Endeavor Convention, Mrs. F. E. Clark asked a large number of distinguished clergymen and eminent laymen that were upon the train, to prepare a list of what they considered the most beautiful and helpful Christian hymns. They did so, and a large and exceedingly fine list was the result… It is hoped that they will be committed to memory by all Juniors, and it is suggested that one of these hymns be repeated in concert at every Junior meeting for a month. Let the pastor or superintendent tell the story of the hymn, and give an opportunity for those who can bring in additional stories to do so.
30 Jan 2020
“I want you to understand that I have never preached opinions from this pulpit; it is not a question of opinion; I have absolutely no right to stand here and give you my opinion, for it is not worth any more than yours; we do not come to church to get opinions; I claim that I can back up every sermon I have preached, with the Word of God, and it is not my opinion nor yours, it is the eternal Word of God, and you will find it so on the Judgment day. I have nothing to take back, and I never will; God does not want me to.
3 Oct 2019
“Those who read the Bible most, love it best. They find something new in it at every fresh perusal. They prefer it to all other books, and can say with David, ‘O how I love thy law! It is my meditation all the day.’” — James Alexander.
12 Sep 2019