“In approaching this subject, the first thing to be done is to answer unreasonable objections, produce the Scriptural authority for the Baptism of Infants, and show how history sustains the usage. To do this is a comparatively easy task. And if this can be done, not by wresting Scripture, but by putting upon it its own proper interpretation; not by bandying words, but by an unanswerable array of historical facts, the whole system of the Baptist sect falls to the ground, their excuse to exist as a distinct Church organization ceases, and upon them rests the responsibility of rending the Body of Christ, and of creating schism where there is no tenable ground for separation. – Rev. John Whitteker.
16 Sep 2021
“These writings by Timothy East were first published in England in a journal called “Spirit and Manners of the Age”. “The author is the same who prepared the Evangelical Rambler, which has been received with so much favor. We have collected the series as far as it went, in this small volume, and have added to it such other selections from the same work, as appeared to us peculiarly useful and important. We are confident, that it all tends to the interest of pure and undefiled religion.” — From the original publisher.
22 Jul 2021
“The Fourth of July! Independence Day! One hundred and fifty-two years ago today there took place in history one of those events the like of which takes place only once in five hundred or a thousand years; the promulgation of that immortal Declaration of Independence. This document, up to its time, was the ripest fruit of all that had yet been thought along the line of human liberty.
1 Jul 2021
“Luther taught that every true believer is a spiritual priest, is as near to the great Head of the Church as any official priest can be, and is equally entitled to the promise and gift of the Holy Ghost. He may exercise priestly functions among his fellow men and ought to do what he can to promote their wellbeing. This teaching of Luther was calculated to awaken a joyous consciousness and energy in the common Christian calling.” — George Gerberding
13 Apr 2021
A Summary of the Christian Faith brings Hutter’s classic Compendium into a readable and easily accessible form. Henry Eyster Jacobs writes: “The book is not a mere compilation, but the matured expression of the convictions of the author, from the time when, as a child he was introduced to many of the problems treated, to the present.”
13 Apr 2021
“A truly magnificent conception is presented to us in the so-called Christian Church Year. Adopted in the earliest centuries, the Church Year comes to us as a most valuable inheritance.
2 Apr 2021
“The funeral sermon is one of the most difficult sermons to prepare and deliver. To begin with, there is an emotional strain which is felt by preacher and hearers alike. Jesus was ever and anon saying: “I have compassion.” He felt other people’s sorrows. He made their burdens His own. When He stood with the bereaved family in Bethany, hard by the grave of Lazarus, He wept. If we do not feel other people’s sorrows, if their burdens do not become in some measure our own, we are not ministers after Jesus’ heart, and we can never render our best service. A true ministry is a sacrificial ministry. This is costly business. It wears at the very source of life. But any true minister is willing, glad to pay the price.” — Robert Golladay
1 Apr 2021
“There are two general ways of looking at God; from the point of view of Sinai, or as He is revealed to us on Calvary. If we know God only, or chiefly, as He is revealed to us in the lights and shadows, the thunderings and threatenings, of Sinai, He will appear to us rather stern and austere, — a Lawgiver and Judge.
25 Feb 2021
“Amid other employments in this the evening of his long and useful life, Mr. East has, we think, been wisely guided to revise and publish these remarkable pastoral experiences. They include some exceedingly interesting cases of conversion and spiritual revival.” — John Macfarlane, from the Introduction.
18 Feb 2021
“The most deceived man of all is he whose mind is influenced by the Evil Spirit and yet he believes that he is besought by the Good Spirit. We hope to reach some of such persons whose eyes are color blind and whose ears are so impaired that they alone cannot distinguish between the voices that are calling them downward and those that are calling them upward.
21 Jan 2021