
Abraham Lincoln: An Oration Delivered Before the Lincoln Union by Henry Watterson
Abraham Lincoln: An Oration Delivered Before the Lincoln Union by Henry Watterson

“Twice we heard Henry Watterson deliver his classical lecture on Abraham Lincoln. At the most dramatic point in the address the speaker discussed the problem, how to account adequately for the great president. After analyzing his ancestry and all his environments in a keen and discerning way, Mr. Watterson exclaimed: ‘The only explanation of Abraham Lincoln is’ — then pausing solemnly and impressively, lifting his hand and pointing upward, he repeated, ‘The only explanation of Abraham Lincoln is — God!’ It was a most thrilling moment in the address. No hearer could doubt that God raised up this great and good man for the time and exigency in which he lived.” — Leander Keyser. In The Apostles’ Footsteps: Sermons on the Epistle Lessons for the Church Year.

20 Nov 2020

The Soul of a Priest by Leo Herbert Lehmann
The Soul of a Priest by Leo Herbert Lehmann

“Papalism proclaims that all men have been redeemed by the sacrificial death of Jesus. Yet it has developed a dogmatic system that actually denies that redemption, even in another world, except to those who conform in every particular to its rules and regulations. It is more concerned about the doctrines and dogmas which it has evolved to preserve its external structure than in the saving message of Christ as set forth in the New Testament. Its basic defect is that it has restored a religious and social system which Christ severely condemned. It seeks to redeem mankind by a man-made system from which Christ freed us. It has restored the old fatalism of the Orient, which affirms that man is, and must ever remain, a mere creature of dust to be ruled to the end by external laws. It thus denies the sovereignty of the individual soul, the sonship of each with the Fatherhood of God, and of the full brotherhood of all men through Christ." — Leo Lehmann, from The Soul of a Priest.

23 Jul 2020

Charles Chiniquy's Last Message
Charles Chiniquy's Last Message

“Having been for fifty years in the Church of Rome, Father Chiniquy was well qualified surely to judge of its inner workings, and he spoke with no uncertain sound. His scathing exposures of the vile practices of this gigantic system of iniquity are unanswerable and ought to make all Protestants worthy of the name strain every effort in the struggle against this mighty foe of humanity.

3 Jul 2020

The Life of Philip Melanchthon by Joseph Stump
The Life of Philip Melanchthon by Joseph Stump

“The life of so distinguished a servant of God as Melanchthon deserves to be better known to the general reader than it actually is. In the great Reformation of the sixteenth century, his work stands second to that of Luther alone. Yet his life is comparatively unknown to many intelligent Christians.

4 Jul 2019

The Life of Henry Clay by Charles Krauth [Journal Article]
The Life of Henry Clay by Charles Krauth [Journal Article]

If it weren’t for the American statesman Henry Clay, “Who can tell the evils which would have ensued? “Would we this day be a united and happy people, prosperous beyond example, and with a most brilliant career opening before us, the envy of tyrants, and the boast of the friends of freedom the world over?

17 Jun 2019

A Compact Biography of Charles Porterfield Krauth by Beale Melanchthon Schmucker [Journal Article]
A Compact Biography of Charles Porterfield Krauth by Beale Melanchthon Schmucker [Journal Article]

“Dr. Krauth was beyond all question the most learned and distinguished among all Lutheran theologians that use the English Language, and the great scholars of our church in other parts of the world have long ago ranked him among the chief scholars of the great church of theologians.” – Dr. G. F. Krotel

28 May 2019

Paul Gerhardt: A Short Biography of the Hymn Writer by John Gottlieb Morris [Journal Article]
Paul Gerhardt: A Short Biography of the Hymn Writer by John Gottlieb Morris [Journal Article]

“Never were pious resignation to God’s will — complete subjection to His sovereignty – perfect patience under disappointment and sorrow more beautifully and impressively uttered… We do not think it possible for human language to express a more thorough acquiescence in the decrees of Providence. This was the character of Gerhardt’s piety, and to be in all things of the same mind with God, is the perfection of piety.” – John Morris.

28 May 2019

The Setting Of The Crescent And The Rising Of The Cross, or Kamil Abdul Messiah, A Syrian Convert From Islam To Christianity by Henry Jessup
The Setting Of The Crescent And The Rising Of The Cross, or Kamil Abdul Messiah, A Syrian Convert From Islam To Christianity by Henry Jessup

“Kamil’s history is a rebuke to our unbelief in God’s willingness and power to lead Muslims into a hearty acceptance of Christ and his atoning sacrifice. We are apt to be discouraged by the closely riveted and intense intellectual aversion of these millions of Moslems to the doctrines of the Trinity and of the divinity of Jesus Christ. But Kamil’s intellectual difficulties about the Trinity vanished when he felt the need of a divine Saviour. He seemed taught by the Spirit of God from the first. He exclaimed frequently at the wonderful scheme of redemption through the atoning work of Christ.

9 May 2019

The Autobiography of Rev. Joseph Hamilton Fesperman
The Autobiography of Rev. Joseph Hamilton Fesperman

Those who struggle with the loneliness of dark days or the isolating pain of chronic illness may find gentle solace in the the thoughts of this dear brother in Christ.

28 Oct 2018

John Burns: The Hero of Gettysburg by Edmund Jacob Wolf [Journal Article]
John Burns: The Hero of Gettysburg by Edmund Jacob Wolf [Journal Article]

“Let us see to it by the spirit of eternal vigilance that America continue to produce a race of men like John Burns, and our place in the forefront of the great world powers will be held as long as the granite and bronze of this monument, here dedicated to personal heroism and valor.

2 Jul 2018