Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry
Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry
John G. Schwartz: A Biographical Sketch
It is seldom that the church is called to mourn the premature death of one, so highly gifted as the subject of the present sketch. He was a young man of rare attainments and extraordinary promise.
Charles Porterfield Krauth
Last updated on 24 Nov 2023
24 min read
Biographical Sketches
John W. Richards: A Biographical Sketch
January 27th, 1854, will long be remembered in the city of Reading. It was the day when nearly the whole community crowded to the sanctuary, not to listen to the voice of the pastor of the church, but to gaze for the last time on his lifeless remains, and to pay the last tribute of respect to one who was highly esteemed in life.
Charles Porterfield Krauth
Last updated on 24 Nov 2023
20 min read
Biographical Sketches
J. George Schmucker: A Biographical Sketch
Among all who have occupied a prominent position in the history of the Lutheran church in this country, perhaps there is no one who is entitled to a higher rank than
Charles Porterfield Krauth
Last updated on 24 Nov 2023
27 min read
Biographical Sketches
Frederick David Schaeffer: A Biographical Sketch
The character and ministry of this venerable man are worthy of a permanent record in the history of our earlier ministers. His life was emphatically a life of severe and constant labor.
Charles Porterfield Krauth
Last updated on 24 Nov 2023
26 min read
Biographical Sketches
Jacob Goering: A Biographical Sketch
It was said… at the time of his death, that many generations must pass away, before the world could look upon his equal. From all accounts, he must have been a most extraordinary man, gifted with rare endowments of intellect, and possessed of the noblest qualities of the heart.
Charles Porterfield Krauth
Last updated on 24 Nov 2023
15 min read
Biographical Sketches
John Nicolas Kurtz: A Biographical Sketch
“The first Lutheran minister, ordained in this country to preach the gospel.” John Nicolas Kurtz was born in Lutzelinden, in the Principality of Nassau-Weilburg, and immigrated to this country in 1745.
Charles Porterfield Krauth
Last updated on 24 Nov 2023
16 min read
Biographical Sketches
Christian Endress: A Biographical Sketch
His life was devoted to the acquisition of knowledge. The church has always associated with Dr. Lochman’s name that of Dr. Endress. They were not only contemporary, but they were nearly of the same age.
Charles Porterfield Krauth
Last updated on 24 Nov 2023
11 min read
Biographical Sketches
George Lochman: A Biographical Sketch
“Dr. Lochman, so widely and favorably known in the Lutheran church, was born in the city of Philadelphia, December 2, 1773. His parents had immigrated into this country at an early period and, although in humble circumstances, were distinguished for their probity and piety.
Charles Porterfield Krauth
Last updated on 24 Nov 2023
14 min read
Biographical Sketches
The Life of Philip Melanchthon by Joseph Stump
“The life of so distinguished a servant of God as Melanchthon deserves to be better known to the general reader than it actually is. In the great Reformation of the sixteenth century, his work stands second to that of Luther alone.
Joseph Stump
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John F. Schmidt: A Biographical Sketch
The transition from Dr. Helmuth to his intimate friend and colleague is very natural. Dr. Schmidt would, perhaps, have never abandoned the country of his birth, had it not been for his fond devotion to the friend of his youth, animae dimidium suce, separation from whom seemed so painful and almost insupportable.
Charles Porterfield Krauth
Last updated on 24 Nov 2023
12 min read
Biographical Sketches
Henry Helmuth, D.D.: A Biographical Sketch
The memory of those who have been eminently useful in the church of God, should be cherished, and their virtues transmitted to posterity. They are worthy of grateful remembrance and respectful imitation.
Charles Porterfield Krauth
Last updated on 24 Nov 2023
19 min read
Biographical Sketches
The Life of Henry Clay by Charles Krauth [Journal Article]
If it weren’t for the American statesman Henry Clay, “Who can tell the evils which would have ensued? “Would we this day be a united and happy people, prosperous beyond example, and with a most brilliant career opening before us, the envy of tyrants, and the boast of the friends of freedom the world over?
Charles Porterfield Krauth
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A Compact Biography of Charles Porterfield Krauth by Beale Melanchthon Schmucker [Journal Article]
“Dr. Krauth was beyond all question the most learned and distinguished among all Lutheran theologians that use the English Language, and the great scholars of our church in other parts of the world have long ago ranked him among the chief scholars of the great church of theologians.
Beale Melanchthon Schmucker
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Paul Gerhardt: A Short Biography of the Hymn Writer by John Gottlieb Morris [Journal Article]
“Never were pious resignation to God’s will — complete subjection to His sovereignty – perfect patience under disappointment and sorrow more beautifully and impressively uttered… We do not think it possible for human language to express a more thorough acquiescence in the decrees of Providence.
John Gottlieb Morris
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The Setting Of The Crescent And The Rising Of The Cross, or Kamil Abdul Messiah, A Syrian Convert From Islam To Christianity by Henry Jessup
“Kamil’s history is a rebuke to our unbelief in God’s willingness and power to lead Muslims into a hearty acceptance of Christ and his atoning sacrifice. We are apt to be discouraged by the closely riveted and intense intellectual aversion of these millions of Moslems to the doctrines of the Trinity and of the divinity of Jesus Christ.
Henry Harris Jessup
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Eli Huber: A Biographical Sketch
Dr. Eli Huber was born Jan. 14, 1884, in Pinegrove, Schuylkill Co., Pa., and belonged to that class of people known as Pennsylvania Germans, who are the descendants of the emigrants who came to this country at an early period from the southern part of Germany.
Eli Huber
Last updated on 24 Nov 2023
7 min read
Biographical Sketches
Charles Philip Krauth Sr.: A Biographical Sketch
Rev. Charles Philip Krauth, Sr., D.D. The older Dr. Krauth was born in Montgomery county, Pa., May 7, 1797. His father was a native of Germany, and came to this country as a young man, in the capacity of a school teacher and a church organist.
Charles Philip Krauth (Sr.)
Last updated on 24 Nov 2023
5 min read
Biographical Sketches
George Henry Gerberding: A Biographical Sketch
Rev. George Henry Gerberding. The subject of this sketch was born in Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 21, 1847. His father, J. G. H. Gerberding, was born in Germany, but came to this country in his sixteenth year.
George Henry Gerberding
Last updated on 24 Nov 2023
5 min read
Biographical Sketches
Adolph Spaeth: A Biographical Sketch
Rev. Prof. A. Spaeth, D.D. The land of Brentz and Jacob Andreae has been represented in our seminary from its very inception in the person of the eminent professor of Hebrew.
Adolph Spaeth
Last updated on 24 Nov 2023
6 min read
Biographical Sketches
Frederick William Stellhorn: A Biographical Sketch
Rev. Prof. Frederick William Stellhorn was born October 2, 1841, at Bruening-horstedt, a small village of the former Kingdom of Hanover, Germany. His parents were poor, but universally respected peasants, well acquainted with the doctrines of the Lutheran Church and deeply attached to them.
Frederick William Stellhorn
Last updated on 24 Nov 2023
4 min read
Biographical Sketches