Includes an account of Alfred Edersheim’s conversion from Judaism to Christianity. Book Contents About The Author Frontispiece Titlepage Preface Memoir Tohu-va-vohu Index Of Subjects Publication Information Lutheran Library edition first published: 2023 Copyright: CC BY 4.0
18 Jul 2023
“In 1906, Dr. Henry Eyster Jacobs, then in his sixty-second year, wrote these notes on his experiences in the leadership of the Lutheran Church. As he states in his opening sentence, these notes are set down for the use of others. He had in mind particularly his own son, Dr. Charles Michael Jacobs, then pastor of Christ Church, Allentown - later to succeed him as President of the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. The notes were handwritten in his miniscule script, and filled twenty-five of his familiar end-open note books. He reviewed the notes at least twice later and made corrections, additions and deletions. These changes are quite apparent in the manuscript by the shaky hand-writing and the occasionally added date of entry ( 1922, 1927, etc.).
15 May 2023
“The Letters of Hus have long been recognized by the best judges as one of the world’s spiritual treasures. The discovery of Hus, if we may so express it, forms more than once a landmark in the spiritual development of Luther.
18 Jan 2023
“The history of the Church confirms and illustrates the teachings of the Bible, that yielding little by little leads to yielding more and more, until all is in danger; and the tempter is never satisfied until all is lost. It is impossible to find a place to stop, when the concessions once begin." — Matthias Loy
10 Nov 2022
“Lutheranism clings to God’s Written Word. Her motto is the Word of God, the whole Word of God, and nothing but the Word of God, not as a prescriptive letter, but as the power of God unto salvation.” – Theodore Schmauk
27 Oct 2022
“I received my first call into the largest mission field of the Northwest, in the State of South Dakota, far away from good old home. In September, 1892, I left home for my long journey. My good mother and a brother-in-law, Joseph Koby accompanied me as far as Chicago, where I kissed mother goodbye, but my brother-in-law went with me as far as Milwaukee. There we stayed one week, he returned and I went on to the icy North…”
7 Oct 2022
“Why did I leave the ministry when I left the Congregational church? Because, in the first place, my New Theology and Higher Criticism had destroyed my faith in the perfect, divine authority of the Bible; and in the second place, they had destroyed my faith in the perfect deity of Christ. When I had lost these two things I had lost everything… I could preach all the practical side of Christianity, but not the central fundamental truths of Christianity, Christ and his salvation through the cross.
14 Sep 2022
“Formerly the whole Evangelical Lutheran Church was unanimous in the conviction that Luther was the divinely commissioned Reformer of the Church and the herald of divine truth. But now (many) deny him this honor. They maintain, of course without the least proof, that he erred in various articles of faith, and do not hesitate to dispute his vocation as a Reformer. How easily, under such circumstances, may not even faithful Lutherans be led to waver in their faith, especially when great scholars and distinguished theologians utter such censures. To defend ourselves successfully against these false accusations we have no better means than that of a more intimate acquaintance with his writings and his life.
24 Mar 2022
“Led by the Jesuits and their counter-Reformation, the Catholic Church has never ceased to try to destroy the enlightened order of religious freedom and democracy that has resulted from the revolt of the Christian people in the sixteenth century against the authoritarianism and corruption of the Church of Rome. For if the effects of the Reformation were carried to completion in all countries, not only would religious and civil dictatorship be crushed for ever, but the whole structure of the Roman Catholic Church as now constituted would be threatened with extinction.
23 Dec 2021
“In the Church… influential men (opposed) genuine Lutheranism. They clung ardently to the name, and gloried in their ecclesiastical ancestry; but they held that under that name they could be Calvinists, Zwinglians, or Arminians. Lutheranism with them covered a multitude of errors, hence they struggled violently in maintenance of the lowest church views, the loosest theology.” — John Gottlieb Morris
1 Dec 2021