“Skepticism as to the personality of the great Adversary of souls is not confined to unbelievers and rationalists. In sending out a third edition of this work, the writer desires to call the attention of Christians to a doctrine once universally received in the Church, and which is still a protest against the Sadduceeism of our age…
20 May 2021
“In exhibiting the earliest and purest views of our church on the divine obligation of the Christian Sabbath, we propose to present first of all, the views of Luther and Melanchthon…”
16 Sep 2020
How To Understand Scripture “The sin of man not seldom works as a barrier, obscuring what is clear per se. That is the reason why we mentioned also progress in sanctification as one means that might accelerate the process. Furthermore, the exegetical work must be done according to proper principles:
27 Jan 2020
“After the Israelites had reached the wilderness of Sinai, Moses informed them that it was the purpose of God to come down upon mount Sinai in the sight of all, and make a covenant with his people. On the third day the people met with God, and heard his voice which proceeded from the fire, the cloud and the thick darkness…
19 Dec 2019
“Those who read the Bible most, love it best. They find something new in it at every fresh perusal. They prefer it to all other books, and can say with David, ‘O how I love thy law! It is my meditation all the day.’” — James Alexander.
12 Sep 2019
“We have had occasion several times, in self-defense, to declare our conscientious difference from the brethren of the Missouri as well as from those of the Buffalo Synod, on the doctrine of the Ministerial office; by some whom we think a little sensitive in the matter, we have been soundly berated, both privately and publicly, for having done so. We feel it, therefore, due to ourselves, and to the cause of truth, to present a calm expression of truth as we believe it to be found in the Holy Scriptures. – D. Worley
6 Aug 2019
Theodore Graebner was a Missouri Synod professor at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, and defender of the Six Day Creation account of Genesis. Though he wrote Evolution many years ago, the points he makes are still valid. This small book can be very helpful to Christians who wish to “detox” from the religion of Scientism.
5 Aug 2019
In 1893 an attempt was made by liberal elements in the General Synod to remove Dr. Luther Gotwald from Wittenberg Seminary. He was said to be guilty of teaching the Augsburg Confession as, “a correct expression or exhibition of fundamental divine truth”.
11 Jul 2019
“What is this book? Its Hebrew name is הברית ההדשה (Heb’rith Hechedasha) or the New Covenant. It is a collection of twenty-seven writings, biographic, historic, prophetic, and a number of personal letters. Its authors, with but one exception, were Jews; the Hero around whom the whole book centers, was a ‘Jew of Jews.’ Yet, notwithstanding this racial background, it has been regarded of such value as to warrant its translation into some 900 different languages and dialects, a thing that cannot be said of any other book.
6 Jun 2019
“They would have us believe that all hearts will finally be moved and melted by the love of God. The tender love of Jesus to poor, fallen man, did not move and melt the hearts of all with whom he came into contact here. The proud, hard heart of Scribe and Pharisee grew all the harder when the light and warmth of His presence fell upon them — no melting there. Hereafter they go on sinning, and go on hardening, as we see in that very passage in Luke 13, in which Canon Farrar takes one of his texts. The Lord there says: ‘Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.’ – Lewis Miller
5 Jun 2019