“If you ever wondered if believers in the Old Testament period were saved in the same way as those in the New, this is a book worth perusing. The author, John Henry Kurtz, was considered one of the greatest Church Historians of his time in any language.”
18 Feb 2025
“Human reason and inclination are always in their natural state averse to the doctrine of Justification by Faith. Hence it is no wonder that earth and hell combine in persistent efforts to banish it from the Church and from the world.” — Matthias Loy
2 Nov 2024
“The Standard Work - Charles Spurgeon"“A commentary on the Apocalypse, critical and historical; including also an explanation of the chief prophecies of Daniel. Illustrated by an apocalyptic chart and engravings from medals and other extant monuments of antiquity.”
29 Jan 2024
“GOD has been pleased to make three great revelations of Himself to man: his Works; his Word; and his Son, and these revelations have been progressive in character. Nature, the Law, the Gospel; a silent material universe, an inspired Book, a living God-man; these are the three great steps that have led from the death and darkness of sin to that knowledge of the true God which is eternal life.” - H Grattan Guinness, from chapter 1.
24 Nov 2023
“The triumph of Christianity over Paganism was followed by the rise of Free Thought in the Middle Ages, and the return to the primitive faith which characterized the Reformation was succeeded by the reactionary wave of infidelity which rolled over Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries.” - H Grattan Guinness from “Faith and Free Thought”
24 Nov 2023
“This little volume of sermons has been prepared in response to repeated appeals from the people who heard them from the pulpit… they have been chosen from a cabinet of upwards of two thousand discourses.
29 Dec 2022
“This weightiest chapter ever penned by Inspiration yields up its lessons best when literally understood, and when explained by the laws of common sense. “The secret of recent assaults upon the Bible is the restiveness of the modern spirit… so eager is the desire for anything new, that even the destruction of all that is precious and venerable is hailed on account of the morbid excitement thereby aroused. …these extremists are so irrational in their hate of the old that they would rather that the edifice of Revelation should be crumbled to the earth, and that the immortal hopes of mankind should be reduced to wreck, than that they should be immutably fixed upon the pillar and ground of the past.” — J. B. Remensnyder
11 May 2022
“The sermon on the mount was preached in the interest of the great salvation which came by the grace and truth which were revealed through Christ, and its preaching of the law as a schoolmaster to bring us unto Him for salvation is always needed in our world of sin.
29 Dec 2021
“All evidence that Rome has presented for her Petrine claim is here considered, and the views of the leading scholars of different nations, with respect to the life and labors of the Chief of the Apostles, together with other matters cognate to the subject.” — From the Preface
8 Dec 2021
“…why go to such lengths in defining the concept of inspiration and explaining its various implications? Because the number of men who, especially during the last century, and in the last decades with renewed force, have denied and are denying the truth of the inspiration of the Scriptures, has been on the increase and also because the element of doubt in conservative circles, fostered by the idea that a subjective certainty alone would serve as a defense, has caused some uneasiness.
6 Oct 2021