Bible Reference

An Easy Guide to Scripture Animals by Vernon Morwood
An Easy Guide to Scripture Animals by Vernon Morwood

“An Easy Guide to Scripture Animals, being a description of all the animals mentioned in the Bible, with the Scripture References, numerous anecdotes, etc. For home use and for day and Sunday schools.”

26 Nov 2024

Scripture Selections for Daily Reading by Rev. Jesse Hurlbut
Scripture Selections for Daily Reading by Rev. Jesse Hurlbut

“…A good selection of Scripture passages well suited for reading at family worship…chosen to furnish a reading for every day and to complete the bible in a year. Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.

5 Feb 2024

Bible History (complete in one volume) by Alfred Edersheim
Bible History (complete in one volume) by Alfred Edersheim

“It is to help the reader of Holy Scripture that the series has been undertaken. In writing it… I have wished to furnish what may be useful for reading in the family… More than this, I hope it may likewise prove a book to put in the hands of young men, — not only to show them what the Bible really teaches, but to defend them against the insidious attacks arising from misrepresentation and misunderstanding of the sacred text.” — Alfred Edersheim

21 Apr 2023

The King James Version: Apostolic Texts, Precise Translation versus Fraudulent Texts and Heretical Translations by Gregory Jackson
The King James Version: Apostolic Texts, Precise Translation versus Fraudulent Texts and Heretical Translations by Gregory Jackson

“Since Tischendorf lied so many times about Codex Sinaiticus, what does that suggest about his earlier work with Codex Ephraim Rescriptus - and his later work embracing Codex Vaticanus?” “How does anyone explain Sinaiticus having white, supple pages after resting unknown for 15 centuries?” — From Questions to be asked while reading this book.

31 May 2022

The Silent Influence of the Bible by Joseph Few Smith [Journal Article]
The Silent Influence of the Bible by Joseph Few Smith [Journal Article]

“It is one of the most striking, and most valuable characteristics of the Bible, that it is the Book of mankind. It is both designed, and prepared, for all people, and for all classes of people. In it God addresses the whole human family: and as a parent speaking to his household seeks to adapt himself to the comprehension of each member of the circle, so is the word of God made to suit itself to the wants and the conditions of all…”

16 Dec 2021

The Exodus and the Wanderings in the Wilderness. Volume 2 of Bible History. by Alfred Edersheim
The Exodus and the Wanderings in the Wilderness. Volume 2 of Bible History. by Alfred Edersheim

“It need scarcely be said, that in studying this narrative the open Bible should always be at hand. But I may remind myself and others, that the only real understanding of any portion of Holy Scripture is that conveyed to the heart by the Spirit of God. And, indeed, throughout, my great object has been, not to supersede the constant and prayerful use of the Bible itself, but rather to lead to those Scriptures, which alone “are able to make wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” — Alfred Edersheim

14 Jul 2021

The Minister and his Greek New Testament by A.T. Robertson
The Minister and his Greek New Testament by A.T. Robertson

“The present volume of essays is designed for those who love the Greek New Testament… The drift back towards Greek is definite, particularly among ministers. In the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, for instance, three hundred young ministers were enrolled during the past session in the various classes in the Greek New Testament, besides those who had carried such work in previous sessions. This is nearly three-fourths of the total number of students, and shows conclusively that Greek is not dead in this institution.

7 Jul 2021

The World Before the Flood and the History of the Patriarchs. Volume 1 of Bible History. by Alfred Edersheim
The World Before the Flood and the History of the Patriarchs. Volume 1 of Bible History. by Alfred Edersheim

“One of the most marked and hopeful signs of our time is the increasing attention given on all sides to the study of Holy Scripture. Those who believe and love the Bible, who have experienced its truth and power, can only rejoice at such an issue. They know that ’the Word of God liveth and abideth for ever,’ that ’not one tittle’ of it ‘shall fail;’ and that it is ‘able to make wise unto salvation, through faith which is in Christ Jesus.’ Accordingly they have no reason to dread the results either of scientific investigation, or of searching inquiry into ’those things which are most surely believed among us.’ For, the more the Bible is studied, the deeper will be our conviction that ’the foundation of God standeth sure.’” — Alfred Edersheim, from the Preface.

4 Mar 2021

The First Page Of The Bible by Frederic Bettex

“The first book of Moses, called Genesis, tells us whence we come; the last book of the Bible, the Revelation of St. John, shows us whither we go. It is true, men who have considered themselves wise above that which is written, have tried in every way to gainsay this divine answer; and a false reasoning at the present day proclaims from the housetops that science has done away with the former belief concerning the origin of man, and that we are not created by God, but descended from the monkey. But these so-called ‘scientific conclusions’ are nothing but misty visions and unproved conjectures of men who rely on their own thoughts and of whom the saying is true: “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” — From Chapter 1.

10 Dec 2020

The Inspiration and Accuracy of the Holy Scriptures by John Urquhart
The Inspiration and Accuracy of the Holy Scriptures by John Urquhart

“Criticism has reached certain conclusions regarding various Books of Scripture. The older narratives are declared to be mere legends, and the history generally is described as tradition tinctured by the time when it was put into writing. Certain Books of the Old Testament are said to fall below even this low level. They are declared to be fictions, the soothing epithet ‘pious’ being generally added, the representation being that evil was done by the writers that good might come! All these conclusions are placed before the public as genuine scientific discoveries.”

30 Oct 2020