“…Arguments derived from Sacred Scripture and Sound Reason, Exhibiting the Necessity and Advantages of Infant Baptism, and proving Sprinkling… to be the most Scriptural and Appropriate Mode of Administering it, together with a number of essays on important subjects connected with Baptism.” - from the Preface
17 Apr 2024
“In these godless and worldly times we must earnestly and diligently preach conversion. We must insist on its necessity. We must reason, exhort, convince, beseech, and plead; ‘Turn ye, turn ye; why will ye die?’”
9 Mar 2022
“In approaching this subject, the first thing to be done is to answer unreasonable objections, produce the Scriptural authority for the Baptism of Infants, and show how history sustains the usage. To do this is a comparatively easy task. And if this can be done, not by wresting Scripture, but by putting upon it its own proper interpretation; not by bandying words, but by an unanswerable array of historical facts, the whole system of the Baptist sect falls to the ground, their excuse to exist as a distinct Church organization ceases, and upon them rests the responsibility of rending the Body of Christ, and of creating schism where there is no tenable ground for separation. – Rev. John Whitteker.
16 Sep 2021
“There are but two developed systems in the world that claim with any show of probability to be purely Biblical. These systems are the Lutheran and the Calvinistic. They possess a common basis in their recognition of the same rule of faith; their profession of the Old Catholic faith as set forth in the three General Creeds; in their acknowledgment of the doctrine of justification by faith and of its great associated doctrines; and they have vast interests, great stakes, mighty bonds of sympathy in common. No two bodies of Christians have more reason for thoroughly understanding each other than Calvinists and Lutherans have, and no two parts of Christendom are closer together in some vital respects than consistent Calvinism and consistent Lutheranism. It is well worth their while to compare views.” — Charles Porterfield Krauth.
13 Apr 2021
Rev. Greenwald was born near Frederick, Maryland, Jan. 13, 1811, and was, like the prophet Samuel of old, dedicated by his pious parents to the holy office from his earliest infancy. His theological studies were pursued under the private supervision of Rev. David F. Schaeffer, who similarly prepared no less than fourteen other young men, in his own parsonage, for the work of the ministry.
22 Feb 2018