
Modern Religious Liberalism by John Horsch
Modern Religious Liberalism by John Horsch

“Modern religious liberalism has really only one dogma and consequently knows just one heresy… From this viewpoint a person is heretical to the extent that he may believe that there is absolute religious truth. – John Horsch

18 Jul 2019

Essential Apologetics: Fundamental Truths of Christianity by Christoph Luthardt
Essential Apologetics: Fundamental Truths of Christianity by Christoph Luthardt

“There is but one objection at the bottom of all the different arguments which have been set up against the historical truth of the gospel narratives; and that is, the denial of miracles — the denial of another world.

12 Jun 2019

The Law of Apostasy in Islam by Samuel Zwemer
The Law of Apostasy in Islam by Samuel Zwemer

“The idea of personal liberty – freedom of conscience – has no place in Moslem law, whether religious or civil. . . The law of apostasy is known to all Moslems from their youth up, if not in its detail of legal penalties, yet in its power of producing an attitude bitterly hostile toward converts to Christianity. What else could such a law produce except a fanatic attitude toward all who are not Moslems? The more Muslim a country or a community, the more does it despise the Christian.

17 May 2019

To Rome and Back Again: The Story of Two Proselytes by John G. Morris
To Rome and Back Again: The Story of Two Proselytes by John G. Morris

More than twenty years ago, the substance of this book was published under another title, when it was highly recommended by many divines of our own and other churches. Judicious friends have advised me to prepare a new edition, and I have accordingly rewritten a large portion of it, added new characters, and transferred the whole scene of the story to this country. – John Gottlieb Morris

16 Aug 2018

Theosophy and New Thought by Henry Clay Sheldon
Theosophy and New Thought by Henry Clay Sheldon

Much of Evangelical Christianity is now what used to be called New Thought. In this small, easy to digest book, Rev. Sheldon makes the important connections between the ideas of Madame Blavatsky’s Theosophy, Ralph Waldo Emerson’s New Thought and what passes as mainstream Christianity today.

4 Apr 2018

Churches And Sects Of Christendom by Juergen Neve
Churches And Sects Of Christendom by Juergen Neve

“The Christian religion has been called a way of life. It is indeed a way of life, but it is at the same time a way of faith and a way of thought. If it should cease to be a way of thought, it would soon cease to be a way of life.

28 Dec 2017