
The Koran's Testimony to the Truth of Christianity by Sir William Muir
The Koran's Testimony to the Truth of Christianity by Sir William Muir

“The Mindr ul Hakk is a treatise designed to show the evidence in support of Christianity contained in the Koran - a ‘beacon pointing to the faith of the Gospel’… exhibiting the style of dogmatic reasoning and thought prevalent among theologians of the East.” - from the Introduction.

26 Feb 2025

How I Found the True Faith by Samuel McGerald
How I Found the True Faith by Samuel McGerald

The story of a remarkable conversion from Roman Catholicism, with additional chapters on subjects vital and fundamental.

20 Nov 2024

Reasons Why I Cannot Return to the Church of Rome by Samuel McGerald
Reasons Why I Cannot Return to the Church of Rome by Samuel McGerald

“In view of the persistent and unflagging efforts of my friends to win or force me back to the Roman faith, I am led to give the following reaosns why I cannot return to the church I broke away from sixty-five years ago…” -From the Foreword

12 Nov 2024

Handbook to the Controversy with Rome by Karl von Hase
Handbook to the Controversy with Rome by Karl von Hase

“This Handbook… has been fitly called indispensable for a knowledge of the Roman controversy, and a masterpiece of Protestant theology, both in form and contents, unrefuted and irrefutable.” - The Translator

4 Nov 2024

Vindication of Luther Against His Recent English Assailants by Julian Charles Hare
Vindication of Luther Against His Recent English Assailants by Julian Charles Hare

“When a man has taken a leading part in the conflicts of his age, it will often happen that… the feelings with which he was regarded during his life, will cluster around him after his death… Now perhaps there is no one in the whole history of the world, against whom such a host of implacable prejudices and antipathies have been permanently arrayed, as against Luther. For the contest in which he engaged is the most momentous ever waged by a single man… its issue is still pending.” - Charles Hare

19 Sep 2024

Why are you a Lutheran? by Benjamin Kurtz
Why are you a Lutheran? by Benjamin Kurtz

“Those who know nothing of (Lutheranism) can here learn everything that is desirable to know, and those who know us well, will be pleased to find the whole matter so conveniently arranged. - from the Introduction”

22 Aug 2024

Distinctive Doctrines by Karl Graul
Distinctive Doctrines by Karl Graul

“It is necessary to assure ourselves of the inheritance we have received from our fathers in the faith. This inheritance must again and again be laid hold of within us, that it may not vanish from our hearts. This inheritance is the faith of our Church, the faith of Luther.” - From chapter 1

14 Aug 2024

Life of Mohammed by Rev. George Bush
Life of Mohammed by Rev. George Bush

“…one grand object [of this book]…is to put the whole system of [the Prophet’s] imposture where it belongs, in the great scheme of the Divine administration of the world. - from the Preface”

26 Mar 2024

From the Church of Rome to the Church of Christ by James Godkin
From the Church of Rome to the Church of Christ by James Godkin

“There is not any thing fictitious in the following pages. They contain a faithful narrative of the Author’s experience as a devout Roman Catholic - as a Sceptic in that communion- as a Convert, convinced of the truth of Protestantism, but not renewed in heart - and finally, as a Believer in JESUS.” - from the Author’s Preface.

26 Feb 2024

Christian Slavery in the Barbary States by Charles Sumner
Christian Slavery in the Barbary States by Charles Sumner

“I am not aware of any previous attempt to combine (these) scattered materials in a connected essay… I shall speak of the Slavery of Christians throughout the Barbary States.” - Charles Sumner

19 Feb 2024