The Treatment of the Awakened by Henry Ziegler

“It has been frequently said that the grand object of preaching the Gospel, is to lead sinners to make the inquiry, ‘what must I do to be saved?’ Another subject of equal, if not of vastly greater importance to the minister of Christ is, how shall awakened and inquiring souls be treated?” β Henry Ziegler
Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
Book Contents
- I Two Systems in Protestant Churches
- II Naming The Systems
- IIIa The Lutheran System is Scriptural; The Anti-Lutheran System is Unscriptural.
- 1 The Conversion Of The Three Thousand On The Day Of Pentecost.
- 2 The conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch.
- 3 The conversion of Said of Tarsus.
- 4 The conversion of Cornelius.
- 5 The conversion of the Philippian jailor.
- IIIb The Lutheran System is Scriptural; The Anti-Lutheran System is Unscriptural.
- 1 Compliance with the conditions on which God has promised to pardon and save, does, from the nature of Godβs attributes, infallibly bring us pardon and salvation.
- IIIc The Lutheran System is Scriptural; The Anti-Lutheran System is Unscriptural.
- IV That the old Methodist system does not differ essentially from the Lutheran system.
- 1 On faith as the condition of pardon and salvation.
- 2 On faith as the prerequisite of feeling β indeed of every grace.
- 3 On the possibility of being pardoned, and even of being in possession of perfect love, and, yet not knowing it; or not having the witness of it.
- 4 I will add a few extracts, showing his manner of instructing inquirers.
- V To make a few additional remarks concerning the more prominent mistakes and consequences of this Anti-Lutheran system.
- 1 It confounds the inward peace and consolations of believers, which follow the knowledge of pardoned sin, and which accompany a life of holiness, with the conditions of pardon and acceptance.
- 2 It mistakes the nature of pardon.
- 3 It mistakes the object of faith.
- 4 That this system leads into the folly of pleading with God for what he has already given.
- 5 This system often drives persons away from Christ, and not unfrequently leads to infidelity.
- Copyright Notice
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2021
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0