Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican by Charles Porterfield Krauth [Journal Article]

“The design of the Savior is, to show the difference between true and false religion… There is a true and a false worship of God, there are hopes which have, and there are hopes that have not a true foundation, and for us it is all important to know what will sustain us in the hour of need…
“That we may be instructed on these points, and escape the shipwreck of Pharisaism, whilst we attain the haven of true godliness — let us turn our attention to the nature of true religion, as it is presented by an infallible teacher in the parable before us.” — Charles Krauth
Level of Difficulty: Intermediate: Some subject matter knowledge helpful.
A giant of the faith and prominent American Lutheran scholar, Charles Porterfield Krauth (1823-1883) is perhaps best known for his masterful and essential volume, The Conservative Reformation and Its Theology As Represented in the Augsburg Confession and in the History and Literature of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. He served congregations in Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Virginia and in the Virgin Islands, and later edited the Lutheran and Missionary and Evangelical Review journals. Rev. Krauth was instrumental in the establishment of the General Council and the Lutheran Seminary at Philadelphia, which he led. Dr. Krauth was professor of intellectual and moral philosophy and vice-provost at the University of Pennsylvania.
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2021
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0