Miracles by Theophilus Stork [Journal Article]

“There has always been a secret prejudice against miracles…there is still a reluctance in many minds to admit these departures from the order of nature predicated in miracles… A modified form of this feeling may be seen in many honest believers in their disposition to overlook the miracles as the wonders of a distant age, answering an important purpose in the first introduction of Christianity, but of little use now as evidences of their religion.
“But those who unite in this fervid exclamation forget that miracles are fundamental to the very existence of objective Christianity. And although in their spiritual apprehension and experience of its blessed truths, they may not feel the necessity of miracles to confirm their faith in religion, still they are, in fact, the ultimate basis upon which the whole system rests.
Level of Difficulty: Intermediate: Some subject matter knowledge helpful.
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2019-05-29
- Updated: 2019-05-29
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0