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The Lutheran Library Statement of Faith
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Eternal life contains a great deal more than the two words, life plus eternity. Eternal life is not merely endless existence. It means endless life in its highest possible state of existence. It means that all that is piecemeal and temporary has passed away forever. It means that the absolutely perfect has come, that life has reached its highest altitude. It means that all the fulness and richness that this human vessel can receive of the goodness of God has been made ours.
Eternal death [is not] the eternal extinction of life, or the cessation of conscious existence. There are those who hold that in the future world the soul of the wicked shall die, just as the body does here, — that the time comes, sooner or later, when the soul ceases to act, to feel, to be; and that it will never be restored. This they consider eternal punishment by way of deprivation. It is the loss of the supreme good. This is not a doctrine of Scripture, it is found alone in the imagination of men.
The Christian faith is not simply that there is to be a continuity of human life, but that the body is to be raised from the dead, reunited with its animating, controlling spirit; and thus, as a complete human being, not as soul only, but body and soul; continue to live on forever after the great awakening.
Faith, and faith alone, appropriates forgiveness. God loved the world, and gave His Son, that whosoever believeth in this Son, and the work He did, as the result of which He is able to forgive, shall not perish, but have everlasting life. We are justified, that means forgiven, and adopted into the family of God’s children by faith alone. Let us thank God that there is such a certain ground of forgiveness.
Who are the saints? What are the saints? What is meant by a communion of saints? Table of Contents 32. The Communion Of Saints 1. How It Is A Communion of Saints 2. Glorious Fellowship Publication Information 32. The Communion Of Saints Christ also loved the Church, and gave Himself for it; that He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word; that He migh present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. — Eph. 5:25—27.