The Soul of Dominic Wildthorne by Joseph Hocking

“Mr, Wildthorne,” said Maggie, “have you fulfilled the promise you made me the last time we met?”
“What promise?”
“You promised me that you would read an authoritative life of Luther, an authoritative history of the Reformation.”
“Did I? Oh, yes, I remember. But why should’ I? I have read a great deal of Church history.”
“Yes; but you admitted that you had not read an authoritative life of Luther; that you only read such books as spoke of him as a Philistine and a clown, and which regarded the Reformation as the result of an appeal to the mob. Besides, you promised.”
Clear print, large format quality paperback available on Amazon by the Lutheran Librarian
Book Contents
- Preface by Lutheran Librarian
- A Note about Typos [Typographical Errors]
- Foreword
- 1 In Which Dominic Is Introduced
- 2 The Community Of The Incarnation
- 3 Dominic And Maggie Yorke
- 4 The Layman And The Priest
- 5 Dominic Begins To Think
- 6 Dominic Becomes a Novice
- 7 How Dominic Felt His Call To Preach
- 8 The Meeting On The Moors
- 9 A Married Man’s Views
- 10 The Years Pass By
- 11 St. Michael’s Church
- 12 From Another Standpoint
- 13 Dominic Becomes Famous
- 14 Why The Debate Was Canceled
- 15 An Appeal To Honesty
- 16 Dominic Learns His Secret
- 17 A Priest Of The Roman And A Priest Of The Anglican Church
- 18 Wildthorne Barton
- 19 Dominic Takes Possession
- 20 The Spider And The Fly
- 21 The House Of Commons
- 22 The Parting Of The Ways
- 23 Rome
- 24 Father Tyrone
- 25 Towards The End
- 26 The Renunciation
- 27 The New Lourdes
- 28 The Pope’s Encyclical
- 29 Chaos
- 30 Towards The Light
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2020
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0