The Evangelical Review Vol. 10, William M Reynolds, Editor
12 Mar 2024·

3 min read

John Gottlieb Morris

Charles Porterfield Krauth

Joseph Augustus Seiss

Matthias Loy

James Allen Brown

Includes “Mormonism the Great Crater for the Fanaticism of all Ages,” “The Relation of the Family to the Church,” “Is it right to Baptize Children of Parents Not Members of Churches?” and other articles.
The Evangelical Review was edited by William M Reynolds, Professor in Pennsylvania College and assisted by John G Morris, H I Schmidt, Charles W Schaeffer, and Emanuel Greenwald. Many faithful and prominent Lutheran scholars and ministers are featured in the magazine. The first issue was published in 1849 in Gettysburg.
Special Collection
The Evangelical Review is one of the special collections being restored and re-released by the Lutheran Library.
Contents of Volume 10
July 1858
- 1 The Review: The Church
- 2 Select Analytical Bibliography of the Augsburg Confession
- 3 The Three Saxon Electors of the Era of the Reformation by Charles F Schaeffer
- 4 Christ Preaching to the Spirits in Prison
- 5 Mormonism the Great Crater for the Fanaticism of all Ages by E Weber
- 6 Baccalaureate Address
- 7 Liturgical Studies
- 8 Biblical Commentary of the New Testament (review)
- 9 Livingstone’s Travels in AFrica (review)
- 10 A Manual of Church History by Guericke (review)
- 11 Notices of New Publications (Tholuck’s Commentary on the Psalms)
October 1858
- 1 Illustrations of the Wisdom and Benevolence of God Derived from the Science of Meteorology
- 2 Reminiscences of Lutheran Clergyman
- Frederick Henry Quitman
- Philip Frederick Mater
- 3 Schmid’s Dogmatik of the Lutheran Church, 2 The State of Corruption
- 4 Liturgical Studies
- 5 Educational Efforts of the Pennsylvania Synod
- 6 Baccalaureate Address
- 7 The Testimony of the Spirit
- 8 Hermeneutical Manual (review)
- 9 Notices of New Publications
January 1859
- 1 The New Testament Bishop, A Teacher
- 2 The Sabbath
- 3 A Want in the Lutheran Church Met By the Founding of the Missionary Institute
- 4 “Is it right to Baptize the Children of Parents Not in Connection with any Christian Society?”
- 5 The Relation of the Family to the Church
- 6 Baccalaureate Address
- 7 Reminiscences of Lutheran Clergymen
- William Schmidt
- Charles Henkel
- 8 What is the Result of Science with Regard to the Primitive World?
- 9 Notices of New Publications
April 1859
- 1 The Three Saxon Electors of the Era of the Reformation, No III
- 2 Testimony of Jesus as to His Mediatorial Character
- 3 Educational Efforts of the Pennsylvania Synod
- 4 Reminiscences of Lutheran Clergymen
- John George Butler
- George Danila Flohr
- 5 Schmid’s Dogmatik of the Lutheran Church, Actual Transgression
- 6 History of the Christian Church by Schaff (review)
- 7 Notices of New Publications
- Index to Vol. 10
Publication Information
- Lutheran Library edition first published: 2024
- Copyright: CC BY 4.0

President of the Joint Synod of Ohio, the Columbus Seminary and Capital University, and edited the Lutheran Standard and the Columbus Theological Magazine. In 1881 he withdrew the Joint Synod from the Synodical Conference as a result of Walther’s teaching about predestination.

Key conservative theologian at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg.