The Columbus Theological Magazine Vol. 12, Matthias Loy, Editor

This volume includes “Conversion not Coercion” by Matthias Loy, “Luther and Luther’s version of the Bible”, “The Conscience” by Matthias Loy, “An Excess of Educated Men” and an editorial on “Christian Love”. Enjoy!

Special Collection

The Columbus Theological Magazine is one of the specially restored collections of the Lutheran Library.

Contents of Volume 12

Principal Author
Vol 12 No 1 February 1892
An Inquiry Concerning The Conscience.By Matthias Loy
Luther And Luther’s Version Of The BibleBy J P Henze
Recent Discoveries In Bible Lands.By G H Schodde
Missions As An Exponent Of Spiritual Life.By J Sheatsley
The Value Of Psychological Study To The Gospel Minister.By L H Schuh
Editorial. Diversities Of Gifts.
Vol 12 No 2 April 1892
An Inquiry Concerning The Conscience. Ii.By Matthias Loy
An Excess Of Educated Men.By G H Schodde
Suggestions On Memorizing The Sermon.By L H Schuh
Editorial. Who Is A Christian?
The Sunday School.
Homiletic Rules. (from J. A. Quenstedt’s “ Ethica Pastoralis.” TranslatedBy Rev. E. Schultz.)
Vol 12 No 3 June 1892
Inquiry Concerning The Conscience. Iii.By Matthias Loy
Homiletic Rules. (from J. A. Quenstedt’s ‘“ Ethica Pastoralis.’ TranslatedBy Rey. E. Schultz.)
Conversion Not Coercion.By Matthias Loy
Editorial. Christian Love.
Vol 12 No 4 August 1892
Inquiry Concerning The Conscience. Iv. The Testimony Of Holy Scripture.By Matthias Loy
The Sensualism Of Locke And Its Influence: On Religious Thought.By P A Peter
The Protestant Church In Russia.By G H Schodde
Homiletic Rules. (from J. A. Quenstedt’s “Ethica Pastoralis.” TranslatedBy Rev. E. Schultz.)
Editorial. The Papal Antichrist.
Non-resident Members.
Criticism Of Public Men.
Vol 12 No 5 October 1892
The Call To Self-denial.By Matthias Loy
Inquiry Concerning The Conscience, V. The Testimony Of Holy Scripture.— (concluded.)By Matthias Loy
The Sensualism Of Locke And Its Influence On Religious Thought. Ii.By P A Peter
Historic Churches In The East.By G H Schodde
Vol 12 No 6 December 1892
Inquiry Concerning The Conscience. Vi. The Ground Of Its Authority.By Matthias Loy
The Formula Of Concord.— An Historical Sketch.By G H Schodde
Politics In The Pulpit.By Matthias Loy
Editorial. Our Magazine.

Publication Information

  • Lutheran Library edition first published: 2023
  • Copyright: CC BY 4.0
Matthias Loy
Matthias Loy

President of the Joint Synod of Ohio, the Columbus Seminary and Capital University, and edited the Lutheran Standard and the Columbus Theological Magazine. In 1881 he withdrew the Joint Synod from the Synodical Conference as a result of Walther’s teaching about predestination.

