π¨ Contact Form Fixed
10 Feb 2025Β·
1 min read

The Lutheran Librarian
If you have tried to get in touch with us and haven’t received a reply, please try again. It looks as if a half-dozen messages were “eaten”, never to be seen again. The contact form is now fixed. You can also use a direct email address, if you prefer the reliable “old school” way. That email is Lutheran2025 “at” runbox “dot” com.
(Replace “at” with @ and “dot” with .)
Thanks as always for your prayers and support for our e-book ministry. God’s grace be with you now and always.
- Alec (The Lutheran Librarian)

The Lutheran Librarian is one person, supported by a strong and caring local church. The Lutheran Library is independent of all synods and denominations. We are here to serve anyone who seeks to bring forth the Gospel of salvation as the Lord has clearly communicated it in His Word, the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. May all you find here be a blessing and encouragement in your life now and forever. Amen!