“Note how often faith is mentioned in the epistles. Two of Paul’s epistles – Romans and Galatians – were expressly written to prove that men are justified by faith… The letter to the Hebrews devotes a whole chapter – the 11th – to a panegyric on the heroes of faith… faith is the outstanding doctrine of the New Testament, and therefore should take precedence of a doctrine like election, which is treated more incidentally.” — Leander Keyser
7 Sep 2022
“This is a graphic story of the gradual unveiling of the meaning of the Apocalypse in the light of the events of history. It traces this development through eighteen centuries, from the days of the apostolic and martyr Church to those of the mediaeval Church, the Reformation Church, and the Church of modern times. It is a history of the gradual evolution during eighteen centuries, under the influence of historical facts, of that system of interpretation which has commended itself to the most temperate and enlightened minds, Historicism.” — H. Grattan Guinness.
1 Sep 2022
“The Lutheran minister has three special activities. He is, first of all, a preacher of the Word, the whole Word, its Law and its Gospel. He is always and everywhere a seelsorger, a pastor, an under-shepherd, seeking the lost, feeding and caring for those in the fold, knowing them by name, carrying on his heart their woes, their wants and their welfare, looking after them individually and collectively. If he would make full proof of his ministry, he must love the Shepherd and Bishop of his own soul, and must show his love by feeding His lambs, by tending His young sheep. He must be a good Catechist.” — George Gerberding
24 Aug 2022
Includes: Transubstantiation is the most Degrading form of Idolatry, Why we must put our trust in Jesus and not Mary, A Roman Bishop’s Testimony, and Why I will Never go back to the Church of Rome.
11 Aug 2022
[Fully Updated v.6.1] “In this little book the reader will find, first of all, the Small Catechism of Dr Martin Luther without alteration. This is followed by the shorter explanation of this Catechism, in questions and answers, by Dr. Conrad Dietrich, formerly Pastor, Superintendent, and Director of the Gymnasium in Ulm, Wuertemberg, born Jan. 9, 1575, in Gemuende, Hesse Cassel, died at Ulm, March 22, 1639.
19 Jul 2022
Luther considered his Church Postil “The Best of all His Books”. This is the Biblical, expository, evangelical, Christ-centered preaching for which Luther should be remembered. Read these sermons and be blessed.
14 Jul 2022
“Sincere believers of the truth revealed in Christ for man’s salvation have no reason to be ashamed of Luther, whom God sent to bring again to His people the precious truth in Jesus… The whole purpose of the book is practical. It steadily pursues the aim of helping our Lutheran people to a better appreciation of their Church and its precious heritage, and to a firmer stand and a more zealous labor to maintain them and make others partake of the blessings of the Reformation…” — Matthias Loy.
7 Jul 2022
“Christ our Savior and all his apostles preached justification by faith, even as did the prophets of the Old Testament. Justification is the central doctrine of all the Scriptures, the heart and soul of the entire Christian religion. All believers are justified, all the saints in heaven now have been made what they are by justification, and at the last day the righteous at Christ’s right hand will be there because they have continued in justification to the end.” — R.C.H. Lenski
22 Jun 2022
“The need of a more adequate exegetical-homiletical treatment of the ancient gospel and epistle selections has long been felt. The manager of the Lutheran Book Concern has commissioned the writer of these lines to meet this need.” — R.C.H. Lenski
15 Jun 2022
“Since Tischendorf lied so many times about Codex Sinaiticus, what does that suggest about his earlier work with Codex Ephraim Rescriptus - and his later work embracing Codex Vaticanus?” “How does anyone explain Sinaiticus having white, supple pages after resting unknown for 15 centuries?” — From Questions to be asked while reading this book.
31 May 2022