“There is nothing more difficult, these times, than to keep the Church out of politics. And this difficulty is intensified where a Christian principle is at stake. “The Church, in some of its branches, has been knocking at the door of State and clamoring for the name of God in the Constitution. This is not the Church’s work: it is the province of the Church to knock at men’s hearts and get the name of God written there – written there by the blood of the New Covenant; and the Constitution will take care of the Church’s interests. Imagine Christ calling upon Caesar to change his coin and put God’s name on it. Imagine Him calling upon Caesar to tear down the heathen temples and set up an altar to the God who dwells in the circle of the skies. He did not touch a single heathen rite; He did not interfere with a single heathen sacrifice; He planted principles. And with what result? The whole host of Roman deities have gone down to the dust, and Jesus Christ reigns supreme.
20 Oct 2018
“The Bible to the early church was not a book merely; it was a grand zoön, a living creature, a thing instinct in every part with a mysterious, manifold and superabundant life. And in every part of it they expected to find the evidences of that life.
16 Aug 2018
Much of Evangelical Christianity is now what used to be called New Thought. In this small, easy to digest book, Rev. Sheldon makes the important connections between the ideas of Madame Blavatsky’s Theosophy, Ralph Waldo Emerson’s New Thought and what passes as mainstream Christianity today.
4 Apr 2018
Rev. Greenwald was born near Frederick, Maryland, Jan. 13, 1811, and was, like the prophet Samuel of old, dedicated by his pious parents to the holy office from his earliest infancy. His theological studies were pursued under the private supervision of Rev. David F. Schaeffer, who similarly prepared no less than fourteen other young men, in his own parsonage, for the work of the ministry.
22 Feb 2018
“The Christian religion has been called a way of life. It is indeed a way of life, but it is at the same time a way of faith and a way of thought. If it should cease to be a way of thought, it would soon cease to be a way of life.
28 Dec 2017
“When the minister comes from the altar, he must not forget that he now bears a message from the Lord to the waiting congregation. It is not a prayer; it is not man’s word; it is in no sense a subordinate act. It is the Lord’s own explicit word, and man is the entrusted messenger.”
29 Oct 2017