Mini Books

The Life of Henry Clay by Charles Krauth [Journal Article]
The Life of Henry Clay by Charles Krauth [Journal Article]

If it weren’t for the American statesman Henry Clay, “Who can tell the evils which would have ensued? “Would we this day be a united and happy people, prosperous beyond example, and with a most brilliant career opening before us, the envy of tyrants, and the boast of the friends of freedom the world over?

17 Jun 2019

The Burning Question: The Predestination Controversy in the American Lutheran Church by Matthias Lo [Journal Article]
The Burning Question: The Predestination Controversy in the American Lutheran Church by Matthias Lo [Journal Article]

“[Missouri’s] new doctrine would have us believe that there is saving grace only for the few embraced in God’s purpose of election.” “We shall, by the grace of God, be neither enticed nor driven into such folly, but shall abide by the old and well established doctrine of the Church, that God desires with equal sincerity the salvation of all men, and that He saves, and has elected unto salvation, all those who do not obstinately resist the saving work of the Spirit.

13 Jun 2019

Eternal Punishment by Lewis Miller [Journal Article]
Eternal Punishment by Lewis Miller [Journal Article]

“They would have us believe that all hearts will finally be moved and melted by the love of God. The tender love of Jesus to poor, fallen man, did not move and melt the hearts of all with whom he came into contact here. The proud, hard heart of Scribe and Pharisee grew all the harder when the light and warmth of His presence fell upon them — no melting there. Hereafter they go on sinning, and go on hardening, as we see in that very passage in Luke 13, in which Canon Farrar takes one of his texts. The Lord there says: ‘Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.’ – Lewis Miller

5 Jun 2019

A Compact Biography of Charles Porterfield Krauth by Beale Melanchthon Schmucker [Journal Article]
A Compact Biography of Charles Porterfield Krauth by Beale Melanchthon Schmucker [Journal Article]

“Dr. Krauth was beyond all question the most learned and distinguished among all Lutheran theologians that use the English Language, and the great scholars of our church in other parts of the world have long ago ranked him among the chief scholars of the great church of theologians.” – Dr. G. F. Krotel

28 May 2019

Paul Gerhardt: A Short Biography of the Hymn Writer by John Gottlieb Morris [Journal Article]
Paul Gerhardt: A Short Biography of the Hymn Writer by John Gottlieb Morris [Journal Article]

“Never were pious resignation to God’s will — complete subjection to His sovereignty – perfect patience under disappointment and sorrow more beautifully and impressively uttered… We do not think it possible for human language to express a more thorough acquiescence in the decrees of Providence. This was the character of Gerhardt’s piety, and to be in all things of the same mind with God, is the perfection of piety.” – John Morris.

28 May 2019

When Gentiles First Entered The Church by Charles William Schaeffer [Journal Article]
When Gentiles First Entered The Church by Charles William Schaeffer [Journal Article]

“The prophecies of the Old Testament concerning the Gentiles had been so numerous and diversified that nothing but the partial blindness of Israel could have prevented them from entertaining a general expectation of the speedy accession of all nations to the kingdom of God…

7 May 2019

A Book of Strange Sins by Coulson Kernahan
A Book of Strange Sins by Coulson Kernahan

“A writer possessing not only a fine literary gift, and a marvelous power of intense emotional realization, but a fresh, strange, and fascinating imaginative outlook. We know of nothing published in recent years which, in lurid impressiveness and relentless veracity of rendering, is to be compared with the realization of the fatally dominant alcoholic craving in the study entitled ‘A Literary Gent.’ " – “The Daily Chronicle”.

12 Apr 2019

The Child, The Wise Man, and The Devil by Coulson Kernahan
The Child, The Wise Man, and The Devil by Coulson Kernahan

“They who declared that reason would not allow them to believe that God could once become Incarnate, saw no reason to doubt the manifold Reincarnation of Man. They who complained that they found the straight and level highway of Christianity too difficult a road for them to follow, or that there was no sure foothold therein, were content to lose themselves among the mazes of Superstition, or to flounder and stumble among the stony wastes of Unbelief. And many I saw who wandered backward and forward aimlessly, as if seeking for something which they found not. And ever and anon one would cry out, ‘Lo, I have it!’ and the others would cease their search, and run with gladness to hear him. But so often as one thus called out, so often would they who ran return whence they came, unsatisfied and unfilled, until not a few ceased to give ear at all.”

11 Apr 2019

A Concise Introduction to Luther's Larger and Smaller Catechism by John Morris [Journal Article]
A Concise Introduction to Luther's Larger and Smaller Catechism by John Morris [Journal Article]

“We want no broader line than the catechism draws; but then we do not want that line whitewashed out by a diluted and false liberalism, so as nearly to obliterate it. We desire to see it remain in its original breadth and depth, so that we may consistently and honestly reply to the query: ‘What are the distinctive doctrines of your church?’ ‘You will find an epitome of them in Luther’s Smaller Catechism.’”

31 Jan 2019

'It Is The Will Of God!' Mission Work in Islamic Lands by William Tisdall [Journal Article]
'It Is The Will Of God!' Mission Work in Islamic Lands by William Tisdall [Journal Article]

William Tisdall was an expert in Islam and the Koran, and fluent in Arabic, Persian, and other languages. One of his most valuable books is Islamic Objections to Christianity, which will be re-released later this year by The Lutheran Library.

24 Jan 2019