Mini Books

The Lord's Supper Practically Considered by A. H. Lochman [Journal Article]
The Lord's Supper Practically Considered by A. H. Lochman [Journal Article]

“The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, is one of the most solemn, impressive, and important ordinances of our holy religion, instituted by Christ himself. It is intimately interwoven with the very existence and life of the church, and with the spiritual life of the individual Christian…”

9 Oct 2020

The Lutheran Church and the Lord's Day by Charles Krauth [Journal Article]
The Lutheran Church and the Lord's Day by Charles Krauth [Journal Article]

“In exhibiting the earliest and purest views of our church on the divine obligation of the Christian Sabbath, we propose to present first of all, the views of Luther and Melanchthon…”

16 Sep 2020

A Pastoral Letter by Henry Melchior Muhlenberg [Journal Article]
A Pastoral Letter by Henry Melchior Muhlenberg [Journal Article]

“The following translation of a manuscript letter of the venerable Patriarch of the Lutheran Church in America, will constitute an acceptable addition to the valuable biographies which precede it. Its historic is not its only interest. Exhibiting the spirit in which the Fathers of our church labored, it furnishes useful lessons to the sons. O si sic omnes! [If only in this way all!]”

9 Sep 2020

Who is the Liar? by Samuel Laird [Journal Article]
Who is the Liar? by Samuel Laird [Journal Article]

“The Father hath revealed Himself in Christ. He gave His only begotten Son to a life on earth, to suffering and death, that the alienated sons of men might be redeemed, and reconciled to Him, and brought back again into filial relationship with Himself, that in the true spirit of adoption they might look up to Him and call Him, Abba, Father.

9 Mar 2020

The Unity of the Church by Matthias Loy [Journal Article]
The Unity of the Church by Matthias Loy [Journal Article]

“The church is, and in order to be the body of Christ, must be essentially invisible. She possesses not a single essential attribute by which she is visible. If it were not for the instructions of the Holy Spirit, we would be ignorant, not only of her nature, but even of her very existence. We would see men and their deeds, and would know them to be a peculiar organization; but that which is the very life of the organization, without which it is a mere human society, not the church of Jesus Christ, we could never see and never know…

17 Feb 2020

On The Division Of The Decalogue by Charles Schaeffer [Journal Article]
On The Division Of The Decalogue by Charles Schaeffer [Journal Article]

“After the Israelites had reached the wilderness of Sinai, Moses informed them that it was the purpose of God to come down upon mount Sinai in the sight of all, and make a covenant with his people. On the third day the people met with God, and heard his voice which proceeded from the fire, the cloud and the thick darkness…

19 Dec 2019

Unsound Devotional Literature by William Man [Journal Article]
Unsound Devotional Literature by William Man [Journal Article]

“There is no danger that Rationalism and Infidelity ever will get the upper hand in the world; for nobody will for any length of time have to do with mere sterility.” – Goethe

9 Nov 2019

Letter to a Skeptic by Charles Krauth [Journal Article]
Letter to a Skeptic by Charles Krauth [Journal Article]

“The tone of levity, in which you often indulge, leads me to fear, that you do not sufficiently realize your accountability for your doubts… Remember, it is the infirmity of an honest mind, to believe until compelled to disbelieve; that it is proof of a dishonest and depraved one, to disbelieve until forced to believe.” – Charles Krauth

24 Oct 2019

Church Government by George Lintner [Journal Article]
Church Government by George Lintner [Journal Article]

“Men, who in their hearts are strangers to true religion, and opposed to its real interests, are always ready to exercise a controlling influence over the church. In almost every religious community, there are some such men, who would carry the spirit of the world into religion. They have an idea, that the church cannot be sustained without bringing in this worldly influence.

17 Oct 2019

The Missouri Doctrine of Election by Otto Zöckler [Journal Article]
The Missouri Doctrine of Election by Otto Zöckler [Journal Article]

"A decade has fully passed since the outbreak of the eventful controversy which has divided the Lutherans of North America into two camps. Dr. Walther showed already in the years of 1864—70, a leaning to the Calvinistic doctrines… The controversy itself broke out first in the year 1872, when Lehre und Wehre, the organ of the Missourians, (p. 205) directed a sharp attack upon Philippi of Rostock, accusing him of Synergism on account of his treatment of the doctrine of conversion in his Dogmatics.

26 Sep 2019