Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry
Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry
Lutheran Library Publications
The Sheepfold and The Common or 'The Evangelical Rambler' by Timothy East
If you are looking for something different to add to your daily devotions, you might find Timothy East’s book “Evangelical Ramblings” enlivening. East’s strongly evangelical and methodist perspective is a good counterweight to the lackadaisical Lutheranism we’ve discussed in the past.
Timothy East
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Road to Reformation: Martin Luther to the Year 1521 by Heinrich Boehmer
A psychologically oriented history of Martin Luther.
Boehmer, Heinrich
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Life of Mohammed by Rev. George Bush
“…one grand object [of this book]…is to put the whole system of [the Prophet’s] imposture where it belongs, in the great scheme of the Divine administration of the world. - from the Preface”
Bush, George
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Day by Day We Magnify Thee: Daily Meditations from Luther's Writings arranged according to the Year of the Church by Margarete Steiner and Percy Scott
Short devotionals for every day of the year. “I am very glad to have the honor and pleasure of being invited to contribute a short word of commendation of this series of devotional readings, selected from the writings of Martin Luther and arranged according to the ecclesiastical calendar of the Christian Year.
Scott, Percy
Steiner, Margarete
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The Evangelical Review Vol. 10, William M Reynolds, Editor
Includes “Mormonism the Great Crater for the Fanaticism of all Ages,” “The Relation of the Family to the Church,” “Is it right to Baptize Children of Parents Not Members of Churches?
John Gottlieb Morris
Charles Porterfield Krauth
Joseph Augustus Seiss
Matthias Loy
James Allen Brown
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The Believer's Daily Remembrancer: Green Pastures for the Lord's Flock by James Smith
Short devotionals for every day of the year. “A pastoral effort, flowing from love to the Lord’s people, and a desire to honor His great name… these little pieces are written to convince, comfort, and correct; to fan the flame of devotion, and to produce holiness of heart and life.
James Smith
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From the Church of Rome to the Church of Christ by James Godkin
“There is not any thing fictitious in the following pages. They contain a faithful narrative of the Author’s experience as a devout Roman Catholic - as a Sceptic in that communion- as a Convert, convinced of the truth of Protestantism, but not renewed in heart - and finally, as a Believer in JESUS.
Godkin, James
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Christian Slavery in the Barbary States by Charles Sumner
“I am not aware of any previous attempt to combine (these) scattered materials in a connected essay… I shall speak of the Slavery of Christians throughout the Barbary States.” - Charles Sumner
Sumner, Charles
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Siloah: Sermons on Old Testament Texts as Parallels to the Gospels of the Church Year by William Ziethe
“The translator has found delight for his own heart as well as profitable material for his pulpit ministration, in the translation of these sermons. He has aimed to reproduce their Evangelical soundness and unction in a brief and Americanized form, that he may share with others the pleasure and profit he has received from them.
Ziethe, William
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Martyrs of the Reformation by Merle D'Aubigne
“The personal sketches contained in this volume… constitute a notable gallery of religious portraits. They cannot but be read with the deepest interest. - From the Introduction Of note are Wolsey’s Victim’s, William Tyndale, and Luther: His Triumph in Death
Daubigne, Merle
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Scripture Selections for Daily Reading by Rev. Jesse Hurlbut
“…A good selection of Scripture passages well suited for reading at family worship…chosen to furnish a reading for every day and to complete the bible in a year. Level of Difficulty: Primer: No subject matter knowledge needed.
Jesse Hurlbut
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Horae Apocalypticae - Hours with the Apocalypse by Edward Bishop Elliott
“The Standard Work - Charles Spurgeon"“A commentary on the Apocalypse, critical and historical; including also an explanation of the chief prophecies of Daniel. Illustrated by an apocalyptic chart and engravings from medals and other extant monuments of antiquity.
Edward Bishop Elliott
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
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A Journey over the Region of Fulfilled Prophecy by James Aitken Wylie
“This is a short account of the nations and countries of antiquity, so far as the fulfillment of prophecy is concerned… It presents a picture of Bible countries and their fulfillment of the more remarkable predictions about them.
James Aitken Wylie
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History of Protestantism Vol. 3 by James Aitken Wylie
“Protestantism… penetrates into the heart and renews the individual. It is… the founder of free kingdoms, and the mother of pure churches.” — James Aitken Wylie This is the third of three volumes.
James Aitken Wylie
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The Christian Life: A Handbook of Christian Ethics by Joseph Stump
“This book aims to set forth distinctly Christian ethics… to depict the Christian life from the standpoint of faith and regeneration… to depict the moral life from the religious point of view… The truly ethical life is grounded in the right relation of the individual to God, and that this relation determines his relation to his fellow men.
Joseph Stump
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History of Protestantism Vol. 2 by James Aitken Wylie
“Protestantism… penetrates into the heart and renews the individual. It is… the founder of free kingdoms, and the mother of pure churches.” — James Aitken Wylie This is the second of three volumes.
James Aitken Wylie
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The Jesuit by Joseph Hocking
“I saw now what I had never realized before. The Church of Rome… demanded liberty that it might destroy liberty. It was not simply a religious body; it was primarily a huge political machine, which worked for supremacy.
Joseph Hocking
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The Wilderness by Joseph Hocking
Endellion lifted him up, and the dying man seized the pen. “I give everything I have here in Australia, and all I possess in Dulverton, Devon, England, or elsewhere, to my good friend Ralph Endellion.
Joseph Hocking
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Shall Rome Reconquer England? by Joseph Hocking
Includes the essays: “Why Did England Become A Protestant Nation ?”, “Why Romanism Ruins A Country” and “The Determination Of Rome To Reconquer Great Britain” Joseph Hocking is the Lutheran Librarian’s favorite Christian novelist.
Joseph Hocking
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The Woman of Babylon by Joseph Hocking
Joseph Hocking is the Lutheran Librarian’s favorite Christian novelist. During his lifetime he was widely read and greatly beloved throughout the English speaking world. Most of his books deal in some way with the struggles and conflicts of living as a Christian in the modern world.
Joseph Hocking
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