Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry
Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry
Lutheran Library Publications
Distinctive Doctrines by Karl Graul
“It is necessary to assure ourselves of the inheritance we have received from our fathers in the faith. This inheritance must again and again be laid hold of within us, that it may not vanish from our hearts.
Graul, Karl
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Little Journeys With Martin Luther by William Harley
“A real book wherein are printed diverse sayings and doings of Dr Luther in these latter days when he applied for Synodical membership in the United States.” — from the Preface.
William Harley
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The Seven Deadly Sins by James Stalker
If we are to cope with the tempter, we must not be ignorant of his devices, and we must know the nature and the extent of the forces which he is to bring into the field. - From the chapter, ‘Pride’
James Stalker
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The Seven Cardinal Virtues by James Stalker
“The idea of the seven cardinal virtues is, that among the countless excellences with which human character may be adorned there are seven which overtop the rest, and from which all the rest are derivable.
James Stalker
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An Exposition of the Gospels of the Church Year on the Basis of Nebe By Edmund Jacob Wolf
“…this complete and orderly supply of doctrinal material will be a safeguard to the pulpit and an enrichment of its ministrations to the faith and life of the pew. I send forth this volume with the prayer that the Holy Ghost may bless it to the edification of the Church.
Edmund Jacob Wolf
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The Two Babylons. Papal Worship Proven to be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife by Alexander Hislop
“It has always been easy to show that the Church which has its seat and headquarters on the seven hills of Rome might most appropriately be called ‘Babylon’, inasmuch as it is the chief seat of idolatry under the New Testament, as the ancient Babylon was the chief seat of idolatry under the old.
Hislop, Alexander
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The Letters of Martin Luther, Selected and Translated by Margaret A Currie
Coleridge wrote, ‘I can scarcely conceive a more delightful volume than might me made from Luther’s letters, especially those from the Wartburg, if translated in the simple, idiomatic, hearty mother-tongue of the original.
Currie, Margaret
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Deathbed Scenes: The Christian's Companion on Entering the Dark Valey
A book of vignettes of those who have passed on to eternal life with the confidence of their faith. Timothy East is a greatly comforting author, best known for his book, The Evangelical Rambler.
Timothy East
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Fifty-Three Years in Syria by Henry Jessup
“In attempting to bring ’light into the dwellings’, Jessup’s mission faced problems such as the strong Muslim suspicion of Christians, a hostile government and the corruption of the existing Christian sects.
Jessup, Henry
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The Voice of Christian Life in Song; Hymns and Hymn Writers of Many Lands and Ages by Elizabeth Rundle Charles
“The Christian men of former times…are still our fathers; and their creed… is our precious and sacred heritage… The treasures of sacred song… may serve to illustrate that unity of faith which binds one age to another through the communion of Saints.
Rundle, Elizabeth
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The Death Penalty for Heresy from 1184 to 1921 AD by George Coulton
“Between schism and heresy, as Aquinas himself argues, the difference is often merely a difference of words; and he maintains that the schismatic, like the heretic, may be punished not only with excommunication but also the secular arm (death).
Coulton, George
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Our Priceless Heritage: Christian Doctrine in Contrast with Romanism by Henry Woods
“There are many urgent reasons why the great doctrines of the Christian faith, as set forth in Holy Scripture and reaffirmed at the Reformation, in contrast to the errors of Romanism, should be proclaimed, and their truthfulness and reasonableness be made plain.
Woods, Henry
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A Plain Commentary on the Psalms by William Fraser
…a plain and simple, and yet spiritual commentary on the Book of Psalms.
Fraser, William
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Sayings of Charles Porterfield Krauth
This little book consists of pithy selections from the biography of Charles Krauth. “Every sincere Christian should know Krauth.” This Lutheran Library “short” is taken from the two volume biography of Charles Krauth published by Adolph Spaeth.
Charles Porterfield Krauth
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A Man Spoke, The World Listened: The Story of Walter A. Maier
“The voice had an extraordinary range, for each week it was heard around the world. In Shanghai it introduced a Chinese highway engineer to Christianity. In Illinois it caused a woman who as driving to an illicit tryst to make a U-turn on the highway.
Maier, Paul L
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Luther's Galatians Commentary Complete and Unabridged by Martin Luther
“‘The Epistle to the Galatians was a favorite of Luther’s… He found in it a source of strength for his own faith and life, and an armory of weapons for his reforming work… He came to think very little of his earlier commentaries.
Martin Luther
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Luther's Galatians Commentary in Modern English (Graebner trans.)
“The preparation of this edition of Luther’s Commentary on Galatians was first suggested to me by Mr. P. J. Zondervan, of the firm of publishers, in March, 1937… ‘Luther is still the greatest name in Protestantism.
Martin Luther
Theodore Graebner
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Sprinkling and Infant Baptism by Benjamin Kurtz
“…Arguments derived from Sacred Scripture and Sound Reason, Exhibiting the Necessity and Advantages of Infant Baptism, and proving Sprinkling… to be the most Scriptural and Appropriate Mode of Administering it, together with a number of essays on important subjects connected with Baptism.
Benjamin Kurtz
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The Lutheran Pastor by George Henry Gerberding
“The object of a pastoral theology is to enable men to be true pastors… Right conduct and action should always grow from right principles… Now, the fundamental principles of Lutheran faith and theology are different from those of the Reformed Churches.
George Henry Gerberding
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The Sheepfold and The Common or 'The Evangelical Rambler' by Timothy East
If you are looking for something different to add to your daily devotions, you might find Timothy East’s book “Evangelical Ramblings” enlivening. East’s strongly evangelical and methodist perspective is a good counterweight to the lackadaisical Lutheranism we’ve discussed in the past.
Timothy East
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