
Selection of Sermons by Samuel Laird
Selection of Sermons by Samuel Laird

Samuel Laird (1835-1913) “…belonged to a group of stalwart preachers and leaders whose influence could not be confined to a congregation or a city or a synod. Among them were numbered such men as Krauth, Krotel, Mann, Spaeth, the Schaeffers, Schmucker, Seiss, Greenwald, Passavant. They rose into prominence at a time when Lutheranism in its English form was passing through a crisis because it had in large measure forgotten the rock whence it was hewn and the pit whence it was digged.”

27 Oct 2021

Luther on Genesis: A Critical and Devotional Commentary on the Creation, Sin, and the Flood by Martin Luther
Luther on Genesis: A Critical and Devotional Commentary on the Creation, Sin, and the Flood by Martin Luther

“This volume on Genesis follows the first volume on the Psalms because the volumes ought to be published first that are needed most and will do the most good… While both these volumes will be a healthy corrective to the Old Testament critics, their contribution to the biblical knowledge and the devotional life of Protestantism cannot be exaggerated. Though first delivered to critical students they have also been extensively read in family worship.

5 Aug 2021

John Goszner's Treasury by Johannes Gossner
John Goszner's Treasury by Johannes Gossner

“There are many who would be saved, but they will not do that which is required in order to be saved, namely, to endure… and to walk in the grace vouchsafed to the end. They wish blessedness in Christ; but they also wish to be merry, or rich, or admired in this world. Hence they may believe in Christ; but withal they love the world, thinking that they can find some joy and blessedness in both. But they will lose both and be eternally wretched.”

28 Jul 2021

Gotthold's Emblems by Christian Scriver
Gotthold's Emblems by Christian Scriver

“If any clergyman needs a spiritual guide, let him choose Scriver. He is the preacher for preachers, full of consolation and encouragement to the well-meaning, but a storm of hail to the faithless and slothful pastor.”

9 Apr 2021

Pastoral Recollections and Sketches by Timothy East
Pastoral Recollections and Sketches by Timothy East

“Amid other employments in this the evening of his long and useful life, Mr. East has, we think, been wisely guided to revise and publish these remarkable pastoral experiences. They include some exceedingly interesting cases of conversion and spiritual revival.” — John Macfarlane, from the Introduction.

18 Feb 2021

Imago Christi: The Example of Jesus Christ by James Stalker
Imago Christi: The Example of Jesus Christ by James Stalker

“The Ministers of the temple of truth, it has been said, are of three kinds: first, those stationed at the gate of the temple to constrain the passers-by to come in; secondly, those whose function is to accompany inside all who have been persuaded to enter, and display and explain to them the treasures and secrets of the place; and, thirdly, those whose duty is to patrol round the temple, keeping watch and ward and defending the shrine from the attacks of enemies. We are only speaking very roughly if we say that the first of these three functions is that of the Preacher, the second that of the Teacher, and the third that of the Controversialist.” — James Stalker

31 Dec 2020

Devotional Readings from Luther's Works For Every Day of the Year
Devotional Readings from Luther's Works For Every Day of the Year

“America does not realize what an inheritance she has received from Luther and the Lutheran Reformation. The best way to understand Luther is to have Luther himself speak. His writings are so extensive that there is no trouble in finding something profitable for almost every occasion and condition in life. – Rev. John Sander

30 Dec 2020

In The Redeemer's Footsteps by Leander Keyser
In The Redeemer's Footsteps by Leander Keyser

This book of brief and simple sermons are the result of a lifetime of study, thought and experience by a faithful pastor and teacher. “The title expresses the chief purpose of the book — to follow ‘In the Redeemer’s Footsteps.’ Christ is the Redeemer; by His active and passive obedience He ransomed us from the just consequences of our sins. Therefore it has been the author’s purpose to show the vital connection of each gospel lesson with God’s great and holy plan of saving grace. Every event in the Redeemer’s life and every teaching He uttered must have a real bearing on the central purpose of His incarnation and work: in other words, must be a link, or part of link, in the living chain…

28 Aug 2020

Kings and Priests by Richard Lenski
Kings and Priests by Richard Lenski

“The more we meditate on the titles thus bestowed upon us, the more we find that we must think more highly of ourselves in our connection with the Savior. We are spiritually of royal descent. Actually we are nothing less than kings. It is true, in one sense we are slaves, “bondmen” as the Greek has it, owned in soul and body by our Lord, so that we belong wholly to him as our King, his word and will supreme for us, to be obeyed in all things without question. Yet in another sense we are kings. There is no one above us save Christ and God. Joined to our Lord and made one with him, we do indeed rule and reign with him. And while as yet we are uncrowned, there are heavenly crowns laid up for us and for all that love his appearing. 2 Tim. 4:8.” — Richard Lenski

26 Mar 2020

The Christian Year by John Keble
The Christian Year by John Keble

“…the book is to deepen devotion, but there is one class of people above all others, for whose help it is most adapted. It is ‘an admirable handbook for the parish priest, because written by one who himself labored through the greater part of his ministerial career as a[n Anglican] parish priest.’”

16 Mar 2020