“A good deal is said in these days about how to preach. In the days of Christ and Paul, what to preach seemed of vastly more importance. How to listen, what preparation of mind and heart is needful, what attitude toward the truth, what appreciation of the truth, these are more important questions than extempore or written preaching. Take heed how ye hear, is a divine injunction; take heed how ye preach, is a human command. The soil needs preparation quite as much as the sower and the seed.”
16 Aug 2018
An excellent collection of 57 sermons were delivered by Revs. Lenski, Tressel, Schuh, Gohdes, Bauslin, Troutman, Long and others. Particularly good are numbers 12, 19, 22, 30, 38, and 45.
29 May 2018
Ruth forsook father and mother, country and friends, to cast in her lot with the people of God, and her name is linked with that of the greatest king of Israel, and with that of the great Redeemer of mankind. In her noble act of self-sacrifice she honored God; and God, in accordance with His promise, honored her. No one ever lost anything by being true to God. He is able to reward His faithful servants, and He does reward them liberally.
10 Feb 2018