Amos Russel Wells

Amos Russel Wells (1862-1933) wrote and edited many Christian books. He graduated from and later served as Greek professor at Antioch College. He was the editor of the Christian Endeavor World, associate editor of Peloubet’s Notes on the Sunday School Lessons, and member of the “International Sunday-School Lesson Committee”. Prof. Wells wrote more than 63 books. [Wikipedia]

Twenty-four Memory Hymns And Their Stories by Amos Russel Wells
Twenty-four Memory Hymns And Their Stories by Amos Russel Wells

“If we can add to our mind treasury the twenty-four leading hymns of the Christian church, what a splendid employment it will be! — Rev. Amos Wells Why These 24 Hymns To Memorize? “On the way to the Denver Christian Endeavor Convention, Mrs. F. E. Clark asked a large number of distinguished clergymen and eminent laymen that were upon the train, to prepare a list of what they considered the most beautiful and helpful Christian hymns. They did so, and a large and exceedingly fine list was the result… It is hoped that they will be committed to memory by all Juniors, and it is suggested that one of these hymns be repeated in concert at every Junior meeting for a month. Let the pastor or superintendent tell the story of the hymn, and give an opportunity for those who can bring in additional stories to do so.

30 Jan 2020

A Bible Year: A Course In Bible-reading, Completing The Entire Bible In One Year; With Daily Suggestions For Meditation And For Further Study by Amos Russel Wells
A Bible Year: A Course In Bible-reading, Completing The Entire Bible In One Year; With Daily Suggestions For Meditation And For Further Study by Amos Russel Wells

“For a year, week by week, these studies were printed in the columns of The Christian Endeavor World. A call was made for the names of all that would undertake to read the Bible through in accordance with this plan during the year; and without advertisement or urging, more than nine thousand sent in their names. Hundreds and even thousands of these expressed themselves as thankful for the plan, and said that, though they had often proposed reading the Bible through and had frequently set out upon the task, this plan had furnished just the stimulus and aid needed to spur them to its completion.

5 Sep 2018

Amos Russel Wells

Amos Russel Wells (1862-1933) wrote and edited many Christian books. He graduated from and later served as Greek professor at Antioch College. He was the editor of the Christian Endeavor World, associate editor of Peloubet’s Notes on the Sunday School Lessons, and member of the “International Sunday-School Lesson Committee”. Prof. Wells wrote more than 63 books. [Wikipedia]

1 Jan 0001