Theophilus Stork

Dr. Theophilus Stork (1814-1874) graduated from Pennsylvania College and the Lutheran Seminary at Gettysburg, and served pastorates in Winchester, VA and at St. Matthew’s Church, Philadelphia. He was influential in the promotion of the East Pennsylvania Synod, and organized St. Mark’s Church in Philadelphia. He served as first president of Newberry College, then pastored St. Mark’s Church in Baltimore. At the end of the Civil War Dr. Stork organized St. Andrew’s Church in Philadelphia which became the Church of the Messiah. “He was a scholar of fine literary taste, an elegant writer, and an eloquent preacher. At various times he was editor of the Home Journal, of the Lutheran Home Monthly; and joint editor of the Lutheran Observer” (source: McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia )

The Evangelical Review Vol. 1, William M Reynolds, Editor
The Evangelical Review Vol. 1, William M Reynolds, Editor

The Evangelical Review was edited by William M Reynolds, Professor in Pennsylvania College and assisted by John G Morris, H I Schmidt, Charles W Schaeffer, and Emanuel Greenwald. Many faithful and prominent Lutheran scholars and ministers are featured in the magazine. This first issue was published in 1849 in Gettysburg.

15 Jun 2023

The Evangelical Review Vol. 3, William M Reynolds, Editor
The Evangelical Review Vol. 3, William M Reynolds, Editor

Volume 3 includes “The Lutheran Doctrine of Election”, “The Protestant Principle”, “Scriptural Character Of The Lutheran Doctrine Of The Lord’s Supper” and other articles. The Evangelical Review was edited by William M Reynolds, Professor in Pennsylvania College and assisted by John G Morris, H I Schmidt, Charles W Schaeffer, and Emanuel Greenwald. Many faithful and prominent Lutheran scholars and ministers are featured in the magazine. The first issue was published in 1849 in Gettysburg.

28 Mar 2023

The Evangelical Review Vol. 2, William M Reynolds, Editor
The Evangelical Review Vol. 2, William M Reynolds, Editor

Volume 2 includes “The Ecclesiastical Year”, “The Doctrine of the Atonement of Christ as presented in the Symbolical Books”, “The Silent Influence of the Bible”, and many other articles. The Evangelical Review was edited by William M Reynolds, Professor in Pennsylvania College and assisted by John G Morris, H I Schmidt, Charles W Schaeffer, and Emanuel Greenwald. Many faithful and prominent Lutheran scholars and ministers are featured in the magazine. The first issue was published in 1849 in Gettysburg.

28 Mar 2023

Miracles by Theophilus Stork [Journal Article]
Miracles by Theophilus Stork [Journal Article]

“There has always been a secret prejudice against miracles…there is still a reluctance in many minds to admit these departures from the order of nature predicated in miracles… A modified form of this feeling may be seen in many honest believers in their disposition to overlook the miracles as the wonders of a distant age, answering an important purpose in the first introduction of Christianity, but of little use now as evidences of their religion.

8 Dec 2022

Sermons of Theophilus Stork: A Devotional Treasure
Sermons of Theophilus Stork: A Devotional Treasure

“There are many of us who believe; we are convinced; but our souls do not take fire at contact with the truth. Happy he who not only believes, but believes with fire.

19 Sep 2019

Theophilus Stork: A Biographical Sketch
Theophilus Stork: A Biographical Sketch

Rev. Theophilus Stork, D.D. As to its external facts and changes, Dr. Stork’s life may be easily told. Eternity alone can unfold the full extent of the work he did. The most useful and influential life is not always marked by the greatest changes or crowded with the most exciting incidents. He was born in North Carolina, where his father preached the gospel with marked and blessed results. He was early brought to Christ, and became at once an open and pronounced Christian. His education was secured in the institutions of the church at Gettysburg, in which he took advanced grade, and where his memory is still fondly cherished. Entering the ministry about the year 1837, his first labors were given to Winchester, Va. Of the character and results of his first ministry I feel authorized to speak with confidence, as it was my good fortune, in after years, to occupy the same pulpit. Even to this day he is there remembered with undiminished confidence and affection, and his efforts spoken of in terms of highest praise. For long years his friends of that congregation maintained frequent communication with him, and consulted him freely upon questions of mutual interest.

4 Feb 2019

Theophilus Stork

Dr. Theophilus Stork (1814-1874) graduated from Pennsylvania College and the Lutheran Seminary at Gettysburg, and served pastorates in Winchester, VA and at St. Matthew’s Church, Philadelphia. He was influential in the promotion of the East Pennsylvania Synod, and organized St. Mark’s Church in Philadelphia. He served as first president of Newberry College, then pastored St. Mark’s Church in Baltimore. At the end of the Civil War Dr. Stork organized St. Andrew’s Church in Philadelphia which became the Church of the Messiah. “He was a scholar of fine literary taste, an elegant writer, and an eloquent preacher. At various times he was editor of the Home Journal, of the Lutheran Home Monthly; and joint editor of the Lutheran Observer” (source: McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia )

1 Jan 0001