If we are to cope with the tempter, we must not be ignorant of his devices, and we must know the nature and the extent of the forces which he is to bring into the field. - From the chapter, 'Pride'
29 Jul 2024
โThe idea of the seven cardinal virtues is, that among the countless excellences with which human character may be adorned there are seven which overtop the rest, and from which all the rest are derivable. -From โWisdomโโ
23 Jul 2024
โThe Ministers of the temple of truth, it has been said, are of three kinds: first, those stationed at the gate of the temple to constrain the passers-by to come in; secondly, those whose function is to accompany inside all who have been persuaded to enter, and display and explain to them the treasures and secrets of the place; and, thirdly, those whose duty is to patrol round the temple, keeping watch and ward and defending the shrine from the attacks of enemies. We are only speaking very roughly if we say that the first of these three functions is that of the Preacher, the second that of the Teacher, and the third that of the Controversialist.โ โ James Stalker
31 Dec 2020
1 Jan 0001