“Great men are the fire-pillars in this dark pilgrimage of mankind; they stand as heavenly signs, everlasting witnesses of what has been, prophetic tokens of what may still be, the revealed embodied possibilities of human nature.” THOMAS CARLYLE.
5 Apr 2023
“This weightiest chapter ever penned by Inspiration yields up its lessons best when literally understood, and when explained by the laws of common sense. “The secret of recent assaults upon the Bible is the restiveness of the modern spirit… so eager is the desire for anything new, that even the destruction of all that is precious and venerable is hailed on account of the morbid excitement thereby aroused. …these extremists are so irrational in their hate of the old that they would rather that the edifice of Revelation should be crumbled to the earth, and that the immortal hopes of mankind should be reduced to wreck, than that they should be immutably fixed upon the pillar and ground of the past.” — J. B. Remensnyder
11 May 2022
“God is a Sovereign and a Judge as well as a Father; and there come crises when it would but be weakness in him not to be inflexible in severity. The safety of the universe throughout unceasing ages demands that God illustrate everlasting justice upon sinners, as well as that. he exhibit infinite love. There is a moral law, a system of rewards and retributions, which has its terrestrial expression in human governments; and as the safety of society here depends upon the firmness of its administration, so is it throughout immensity and eternity. The archangel Michael, in the famous painting of Guido, crushing the dragon under his feet, and standing puissant in triumph as the unwavering Vindicator of right, and the unflinching avenger of wrong, is a sublime-symbol of this immutable law. This scene fitly represents the “backbone of the moral universe.” And to deny this truth, and to seek to View God in the aspect of love alone, is to ignore the most patent facts everywhere circumventing us.
4 Feb 2021
1 Jan 0001