Juergen Ludwig Neve

Juergen Ludwig Neve (1865-1943) served as professor of Church History, Symbolics, and History of Doctrine at Hamma Divinity School (Ohio Synod) for 34 years. His books include A History of Christian Thought (completed posthumously), Churches and Sects of Christendom, and The History of the Lutheran Church in America.

The Augsburg Confession: A Brief Review and Interpretation by Juergen Ludwig Neve
The Augsburg Confession: A Brief Review and Interpretation by Juergen Ludwig Neve

“The main stress in the book… is upon the interpretation of its text… It is prefaced by a chapter with simple talks on confessional questions… The second part… tell(s) the story of the Confession in a readable way.. The third part, with its interpretation of the articles of the Confession, forms the main part of this book… the effort has been made to write in such a way that a layman… can follow the discussions.” -from the Preface by J L Neve.

13 Dec 2024

A Brief History of the Lutheran Church in America by Juergen Neve
A Brief History of the Lutheran Church in America by Juergen Neve

“The ‘Brief History of the Lutheran Church in America,’ …has been kindly admitted as a textbook in almost all theological seminaries of the Lutheran Church in this country… As in the previous edition, so in this one, it has been our aim to furnish a textbook that would serve as a guide for instruction in theological seminaries. Students and teachers alike prefer a book that is easily read. Even a seeming confusion of facts tries their patience. For this reason our ‘Brief History’ views the material from the viewpoint of extension and organization rather than from that of confessional development. The numerous divisions and the use of heavy type even in the body of the text have been made in the interest of perspicuity, and to aid the teacher and student alike readily to catch the leading thoughts. Qui bene distinguit, bene docet. [ He who distinguishes well, teaches well.]

27 Nov 2020

The Reformation and the Lutheran Church: Sermons and Addresses by American Lutheran Pastors
The Reformation and the Lutheran Church: Sermons and Addresses by American Lutheran Pastors

“We have certainly great reason to be wide awake and watchful, if we would preserve the inheritance of the Lutheran Church Reformation. Strong are the delusions and temptations of these latter days, and you children and youthful Christians will doubtless see still more perilous times for the Church of Jesus Christ before you have grown old.

23 Oct 2020

Churches And Sects Of Christendom by Juergen Neve
Churches And Sects Of Christendom by Juergen Neve

“The Christian religion has been called a way of life. It is indeed a way of life, but it is at the same time a way of faith and a way of thought. If it should cease to be a way of thought, it would soon cease to be a way of life.

28 Dec 2017

Juergen Ludwig Neve

Juergen Ludwig Neve (1865-1943) served as professor of Church History, Symbolics, and History of Doctrine at Hamma Divinity School (Ohio Synod) for 34 years. His books include A History of Christian Thought (completed posthumously), Churches and Sects of Christendom, and The History of the Lutheran Church in America.

1 Jan 0001