A Brief History of the Lutheran Church in America by Juergen Neve
“The ‘Brief History of the Lutheran Church in America,’ …has been kindly admitted as a textbook in almost all theological seminaries of the Lutheran Church in this country… As in the previous edition, so in this one, it has been our aim to furnish a textbook that would serve as a guide for instruction in theological seminaries. Students and teachers alike prefer a book that is easily read. Even a seeming confusion of facts tries their patience. For this reason our ‘Brief History’ views the material from the viewpoint of extension and organization rather than from that of confessional development. The numerous divisions and the use of heavy type even in the body of the text have been made in the interest of perspicuity, and to aid the teacher and student alike readily to catch the leading thoughts. Qui bene distinguit, bene docet. [ He who distinguishes well, teaches well.]
27 Nov 2020