John Gottlieb Morris

John Gottlieb Morris (1803-1895) attended Princeton and Dickinson Colleges, and Princeton Theological Seminary and was a member of the first class of the Lutheran Seminary at Gettysburg. Dr. Morris founded the Lutheran Observer and was president of both the Maryland and General Synods. Morris was a frequent lecturer before the Smithsonian Institution and author of the Catalogue of the Described Lepidoptera of North America (1860), among other scientific and religious publications. He and his nephew founded the Lutheran Historical Society. [Source: William and Mary Special Collections Database.]

Paul Gerhardt: A Short Biography of the Hymn Writer by John Gottlieb Morris [Journal Article]
Paul Gerhardt: A Short Biography of the Hymn Writer by John Gottlieb Morris [Journal Article]

“Never were pious resignation to God’s will — complete subjection to His sovereignty – perfect patience under disappointment and sorrow more beautifully and impressively uttered… We do not think it possible for human language to express a more thorough acquiescence in the decrees of Providence. This was the character of Gerhardt’s piety, and to be in all things of the same mind with God, is the perfection of piety.” – John Morris.

28 May 2019

A Concise Introduction to Luther's Larger and Smaller Catechism by John Morris [Journal Article]
A Concise Introduction to Luther's Larger and Smaller Catechism by John Morris [Journal Article]

“We want no broader line than the catechism draws; but then we do not want that line whitewashed out by a diluted and false liberalism, so as nearly to obliterate it. We desire to see it remain in its original breadth and depth, so that we may consistently and honestly reply to the query: ‘What are the distinctive doctrines of your church?’ ‘You will find an epitome of them in Luther’s Smaller Catechism.’”

31 Jan 2019

John Gottlieb Morris: A Biographical Sketch
John Gottlieb Morris: A Biographical Sketch

About John Gottlieb Morris Rev. John Gottlieb Morris, D.D., LL. D., was born in York, Pa., Nov. 14, 1803. He was graduated at Dickinson College in 1823, studied theology at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1823-26, and at Gettysburg Seminary in 1827, being a member of the first class in the latter institution, and was licensed to preach in 1827. He received the degree of D. D. in 1839, and that of LL. D. in 1873, both from Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg. Dr. Morris was the founder of Trinity English Lutheran Church, Baltimore, Md., and its pastor in 1827-60, librarian of Peabody Institute, Baltimore, in 1860-65; pastor of the Third English Lutheran Church, Baltimore, in 1864-73, and since 1874 of a congregation at Lutherville, Md. He has been lecturer on Natural History in Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, since 1834; on pulpit eloquence and the relation of science and revelation in the theological seminary there since 1874, and has delivered lectures in Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D. C. He was secretary of the General Synod in 1839, and president of the same body in 1843 and 1883. and President of the first Lutheran Church Diet in Philadelphia in 1877.

31 Jan 2019

The First Free Lutheran Diet Edited by Henry Eyster Jacobs
The First Free Lutheran Diet Edited by Henry Eyster Jacobs

The First Free Diet [formal discussion] of the Lutheran Church was held at St. Matthew’s Church in Philadelphia on December 27-28, 1877. It had representatives from four of the largest Synods at the time. The speakers included some of the great defenders of orthodox Lutheranism in America: Emanuel Greenwald, Charles Krauth, Henry Eyster Jacobs and others. The remarks made by participants are of particular interest.

13 Nov 2018

To Rome and Back Again: The Story of Two Proselytes by John G. Morris
To Rome and Back Again: The Story of Two Proselytes by John G. Morris

More than twenty years ago, the substance of this book was published under another title, when it was highly recommended by many divines of our own and other churches. Judicious friends have advised me to prepare a new edition, and I have accordingly rewritten a large portion of it, added new characters, and transferred the whole scene of the story to this country. – John Gottlieb Morris

16 Aug 2018

John Gottlieb Morris

John Gottlieb Morris (1803-1895) attended Princeton and Dickinson Colleges, and Princeton Theological Seminary and was a member of the first class of the Lutheran Seminary at Gettysburg. Dr. Morris founded the Lutheran Observer and was president of both the Maryland and General Synods. Morris was a frequent lecturer before the Smithsonian Institution and author of the Catalogue of the Described Lepidoptera of North America (1860), among other scientific and religious publications. He and his nephew founded the Lutheran Historical Society. [Source: William and Mary Special Collections Database.]

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